ND Vs Louisville

Book won't stand in the pocket and take a hit. Any pressure and that ball is flying to the sideline.
As much as I dislike ND they have a tons of studs who CAN TACKLE. Book is a very good QB and he can run. You clowns here should get a little perspective on being a homer and view players objectively without bias. I see a lot of comments how these defenses sucks, the offenses are bad, the coach is terrible, and QB's stink. Well take a look at last week as an objective observer. The entire country thought UM was a total embarrassment. My cousin who has season tickets for Purdue texted me and really busted my chops. I quote, " I didn't realize how awful Miami is." You guys certainly have a much different perception of UM football. The comments here attacking these programs are unwarranted to say the least. Take a look at our last 20 games including bowl games and it's VERY UGLY.

Oh well if he has season tickets to Purdue maybe we should just shut the board down and you can just share his texts with us.
Are you actually watching the game? The plays are very solid, they are just very out talented.

Yes I'm watching the game where Lousiville's QB is 9-17 for 117 an offense with 3 TOs.

And btw Louisville has had a Top 30 class or better three times since 2015. So they have talent.