NCAA’s Official Position

Even if that’s all true, why should the NCAA be able to restrict people from earning income off of their own likenesses... let alone while they pay themselves and coaches zillions?

The NCAA doesn't make zillions. Coaches and universities, that's a different story. Only 10 percent of D1 schools are profitable. Big bad NCAA, please.

The NCAA doesn't make zillions. Coaches and universities, that's a different story. Only 10 percent of D1 schools are profitable. Big bad NCAA, please.
The NCAA’s the tool they use to bring in a shîtload of money. The system is totally corrupt on top of it. Look at how the bag schools operate in the open. If we did that we’d be done.
There is no such thing as a "level playing field" in any aspect of life. Adapt accordingly.
Everyone else can go to college and make money legally without consequences . Why can’t college athletes? Especially considering the fact that they can’t get a job being a student athlete while a normal college student could. That’s not even getting to the fact that many power 5 schools are making millions off the back of the players
The NCAA’s the tool they use to bring in a shîtload of money. The system is totally corrupt on top of it. Look at how the bag schools operate in the open. If we did that we’d be done.

Operate in the open? Must've missed all that besides the rumblings of internet experts who see a bagman in every corner of a square room.

Even if you subscribe to bagmen everywhere, you're only seeing a crumb of the entire pie. The NCAA isn't the boogeyman or the greedy guy at the top like some suggest. They've done a lot for collegiate athletes, 99 percent of the names you've never heard of. It goes away, those playing something they enjoy and getting free rides to partial scholarships do as well.

Make college athletics an open market, the divide will only grow. All to appease some barely grown *** man and women who already make out compared to their collegiate student body. Average Joe who barely made the team, he won't be needed any longer and can start his shift at the local fast food joint rather than trying to get a higher degree.

Fact, we won't survive, but the school academic rankings should climb. Return to glory, forget about it.
What's all that about money the NCAA makes?

Sounds like your issue is with the schools making money. At that, only 10 percent are profitable in tge last article I read in D1.

People ***** about the NCAA, but those *****ing only see a small percentage of the entire picture. Typically only looking at a few schools. The NCAA took a marketable product and turned it into a cash cow in some cases. It benefits many who aren't football or basketball powerhouses. Is the NCAA perfect, no. No big entity is, but should it go away and it become a free market, be careful what you wish for.
I'm not wishing for a free market, that just leads to us getting further trampled underfoot by bigger programs.

And what exactly did they do with $900 million?
I'm going to draw the line in the sand and we NOT going to be bytches about this......... pretty much ALL black people are going to be on board with our sons being paid for what they bring to the proverbial table. ( don't give me that free education bullshyt the government is giving out free educations through financial aid so the school isn't doing anyone a favor).

I'm going to keep repeating this over and over if this were a group on mostly white kids this conversation would be different that's just my belief doesn't mean its right or wrong but it's what i believe. look at how much people complain about minorities abusing welfare (the joke is there are more whites on that **** then minorities not a dig just the truth) I'm not saying the ncaa is racist I'm saying that America in certain sections tend to react differently to people of color requesting fair and equal treatment. If someone is earning money for your business you compensate him or her accordingly. giving me some **** i can get for free anyways isn't that

it's a travesty that kids are having to go out and steal to eat late at night because they have no money meanwhile the coach who no one is coming to see on Saturday is making 4 million a year 800k plus for the athletic director..... without the 18 year old inner city kid there wouldn't be any sec network or acc network because 60k+ people aren't coming to a stadium to watch Jim Harbaugh's goofy ***.


ps taking allllllllllll collegiate sports into account there are probably more whites in total than minorities...... but the bell cow of collegiate sports is college football and March madness aka college basketball two sports overwhelming driven by minorities and the cash cows at almost every school.

What i chose to do for a living and what I'm capable of are two completely different things i made a choice to be on the other side of the law doesn't reflect on my intelligence overall so much as it does my decision making process.

in other words just because i sell drugs doesn't mean I'm stupid i could survive in yall world but i don't want to.
I'm going to draw the line in the sand and we NOT going to be bytches about this......... pretty much ALL black people are going to be on board with our sons being paid for what they bring to the proverbial table. ( don't give me that free education bullshyt the government is giving out free educations through financial aid so the school isn't doing anyone a favor).

I'm going to keep repeating this over and over if this were a group on mostly white kids this conversation would be different that's just my belief doesn't mean its right or wrong but it's what i believe. look at how much people complain about minorities abusing welfare (the joke is there are more whites on that **** then minorities not a dig just the truth) I'm not saying the ncaa is racist I'm saying that America in certain sections tend to react differently to people of color requesting fair and equal treatment. If someone is earning money for your business you compensate him or her accordingly. giving me some **** i can get for free anyways isn't that

it's a travesty that kids are having to go out and steal to eat late at night because they have no money meanwhile the coach who no one is coming to see on Saturday is making 4 million a year 800k plus for the athletic director..... without the 18 year old inner city kid there wouldn't be any sec network or acc network because 60k+ people aren't coming to a stadium to watch Jim Harbaugh's goofy ***.


ps taking allllllllllll collegiate sports into account there are probably more whites in total than minorities...... but the bell cow of collegiate sports is college football and March madness aka college basketball two sports overwhelming driven by minorities and the cash cows at almost every school.

What i chose to do for a living and what I'm capable of are two completely different things i made a choice to be on the other side of the law doesn't reflect on my intelligence overall so much as it does my decision making process.

in other words just because i sell drugs doesn't mean I'm stupid i could survive in yall world but i don't want to.

LOL...almost none of what you just said is accurate, but it is incredibly ignorant and racist.
I mostly agree, but this?

"In the end this will change the balance of recruiting in football and basketball. "

That's exactly what it won't do. The rich will get richer as they always do.

My thought process here is that school that exists in large markets like NYC may have an interest as there could be potential for brand exposure. More so in basketball. For instance, does St. John benefit and become more competitive in recruiting against a KY or Kansas type school?
Orrrr, every state passes this legislation except Alabama. Then Alabama can rack up more fictional national titles. Meanwhile, the rest of the country will go on without them, and without the NCAA,
True, but you might have noticed that CA is not exactly an example of the rest of America. I doubt even FL will follow suit because it could give Miami an edge. If the school doesn't pay the money but rather it is from endorsement stuff, being in huge market like Miami might be an advantage over them forest and swamp land up north. Now if the schools pay we are toast.
True, but you might have noticed that CA is not exactly an example of the rest of America. I doubt even FL will follow suit because it could give Miami an edge. If the school doesn't pay the money but rather it is from endorsement stuff, being in huge market like Miami might be an advantage over them forest and swamp land up north. Now if the schools pay we are toast.
Ball is already rolling in Florida, and legislation is being introduced on the national level. Times they are a changin'.
We supposedly love capitalism in this country until some people are able to capitalize. For anybody that thinks athletes shouldnt be compensated, you should be up in arms on the coaching staff salaries for coaching “amateur” athletes. I stopped reading when he said the schools in all 50 states compete by the same rules.
Even if Universities and da NCAA had wanted two, Title 9 makes directly compensating athletes in revenue producing sports very difficult. Allowing players to make some paper on their own likeness would help with this.

Title 9 needs to bee amended or repealed. Having to treat football players, who risk serious injury and whose sport produces billions in revenue, the same as a male or female swimmer, don't make no cot dam cents to Canedog.

Well the rules of the NCAA require you to carry a certain number of Mens and women's sports in order to qualify to be a division 1 program so the only way the football team gets the exposure under those rules is to field those teams so they are vitally important. With that said there is no reason that non-revenue sports should be treated the same way as revenue generating sports, and I was a non-revenue sport athlete. Not only should revenue sports be treated differently for benefits but they should also be excluded from Title 9 calculations on participation, it is absurd that you need equal number of female athletes in non-revenue sports to be proportional with revenue generating football, it punishes other men's non-revenue sports and it is an apples to oranges comparison.