My Post Game Recap: Southern Miss

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Couldn't agree more with the need for increased tempo & spacing. TVD is having a harder time than we possibly expected making the adjustment so Gattis/Ponce need to bridge the gap and put him in the best position to succeed.

The good:
1. Parrish
2. O line response in 2nd half after slow start
3. Receivers catching the ball well
4. Run defense was excellent
5. Flagg may have played his best game as a Cane

The bad:
1. TVD struggled big time
2. Corners were abused
3. Minimal pass rush
4. Lack of TE usage in the pass game
Remember when everybody told me I was crazy when I said TVD might not be the same QB under a different system? Lashlee isn't here anymore and TVD doesn't look sharp. Late throws and missing OPEN receivers today. Hopefully we get it's together to go on the road. Can you imagine if App St beats A&M and we struggle? This board was a melt down today, I can't only imagine what it will look like if that was to happen. Everybody on this board expects a 7-5 team to blow everybody out 9 months later
We're still a 7-5, 6-6 team until proven otherwise. Not seeing it. Tvd is struggling and to the others' points, we don't have the horses or scheme to make it otherwise in Gattis ball. Wait til our run game gets stopped up next week...
The answer is no. It's not too early to break any glass at CB. Try anything we can until someone plays consistent football. ****, Porter got Moss'd today and only because he seems to be the next choice, I'm asking to see more of him. I've probably seen him play a total of 30 snaps. I just wanna see us try alternatives. So, go ahead. Grab your axe...
Couch looked solid at Nickel, so that’s good especially considering how he played last year.

But the Deep ball remains a secret concern of mine (on both sides of the ball no less lol), but for our CB’s I’m hoping none of the OC’s we face coming up decide to go, “You know what, lets make these fckers run..”
Honestly for all the Parrish hype, Franklin looks the better back to me.

Was Knighton on a pitch count today? He played a little and was taken out early.
Love Parrish but Thad looks like a different guy this year. For a big kid he’s running “light” with some wiggle

A kid that size doesn’t need elite moves just a bit of a hesitation by a defender and it’s over

Will be fun to watch as the competition gets a lot bigger and better
Not sure why everyone is writing off Porter cause he got Moss'd one time. He's 5'10 and that WR was like 6'3. The 6'3 WR should win that jump ball

More concerned seeing supposedly 1st round pick TS getting BURNED by BC and SM WR's, Ivey doing Ivey things over and over and over again...
I agree with this wholeheartedly...
Couch looked solid at Nickel, so that’s good especially considering how he played last year.

But the Deep ball remains a secret concern of mine (on both sides of the ball no less lol), but for our CB’s I’m hoping none of the OC’s we face coming up decide to go, “You know what, lets make these fckers run..”
Seemed like a pretty obvious part of their gameplan today. How many of those shots did they take? Like 6? Out of less than 30 passes.
Not sure why everyone is writing off Porter cause he got Moss'd one time. He's 5'10 and that WR was like 6'3. The 6'3 WR should win that jump ball

More concerned seeing supposedly 1st round pick TS getting BURNED by BC and SM WR's, Ivey doing Ivey things over and over and over again...
I think we have a lot of guys on this board with a personal connection to Tyrique. And, Tyrique is clearly the best CB we have right now, but I've seen everything from surefire 1st rounder to Rod Woodson comparisons, and well... I think that's a disservice to him as a player because the expectations get out of hand.
Knighton looks like he isn’t fully healthy yet...

Or he’s just lost his confidence because Parrish took his job.
IMO, Parrish is better even when Knighton is healthy. Parrish isn't a gamebreaker by any means, but he's good in every situation.

I know there are a lot of Rooster fans on CIS but he needs to add more size, strength and balance to his game. Too often he makes a cut, beats the defender but stumbles, and the pursuit catches up to him. To his credit, Knighton runs hard and he made some big plays last year that make you want him to be the guy... but based on his body of work thus far, he's not. Someone posted a couple of charts of worst/best performing RBs from 2021 on plays there were blocked well and plays that were blocked poorly, Knighton was in the bottom 10% in both categories.

FWIW, I have some old posts from 2020 stating that it was justified that we passed on Parrish for Knighton and Chaney. So this is my half-assed attempt at eating crow.
IMO, Parrish is better even when Knighton is healthy. I know there are a lot of Rooster fans on CIS but he needs to add more size, strength and balance to his game. Too often he makes a cut, beats the defender but stumbles, and the pursuit catches up to him. To his credit, Knighton runs hard and he made some big plays last year that make you want him to be the guy... but based on his body of work thus far, he's not.

Parrish isn't a gamebreaker by any means, but he's good in every situation.

FWIW, I have some old posts from 2020 stating that it was justified that we passed on Parrish for Knighton and Chaney. So this is my half-assed attempt at eating crow.
Knighton’s speed has always been tantalizing, but Parrish was arguably one of the most productive rushers in Dade County HS history because of his running style. He just understands where to go & when, he makes the right read when hitting the hole every time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him miss the proper running lane he was supposed to drive through.

Knighton might be best served in more of a Receiving-Back type of role where we utilize him on wheel routes & attack the flats coming out of the backfield, because when he gets in the open field he can house it if he doesn’t trip & fall over his own shoe laces lol.

Knighton as a pure RB leaves a lot to be desired in terms of his actual rushing ability, he leaves a lot of meat on the bone so to speak, but the difference between this year & last year is that he has 2 other backs that are ready & prepared to pickup the slack & take as many reps as possible, which has essentially relegated him to the RB3 spot. Both due to his injury, but also because Parrish & Thad are stepping up to the plate & taking all the leftovers.
Gattis and TVD have to get on same page. I remember last year lashlee said TVD talked to him about what he likes to do and he catered the offense to that. We have to play with more pace like others have said. Mallory hasn’t been great so far not sure if he is hesitant with his Injury but he hasn’t been the same player as him finishing the year. On the bright side special teams is really good. Andy has a huge leg and they finally got Tyrique off punt return. He got lucky that the bounces bounced his way on those punt.
Agude and Johnson through 2 games have been disappointing considering the praise they received coming. I wasn't high on them considering their lack of production at UCLA and with 2 games against lower-tier competition, they haven't flashed at all
That’s fair.

I wanted DJ Coleman more than Agude, but I hoped we could take both.

Just have to hope they step up now that P5 ball begins (except for Midd Tenn ST after TAMU).

Tbh, he looks kinda like he’s not in the right scheme, he seems more like an OLB in a 3-4 more so than a pure 4-3 DE.
same ppl mad at gattis are the same people who say these two games don't matter. let's see our full offense on display against A&M and give the team some time to gel. I've got no issues with 460 yards of offense and two td's that were called back for no reason

defense gave up chunks but only 7 points, hard to be mad at that
Yes, the corners haven't been what we hoped, but someone (me) has to give some credit to the So. Miss. qb. He threw a handful of dimes in the 1st half AFTER the loose coverage early (zone?)allowed him to get untracked with some easy slants and hooks.
A philosophical dilemma IMO. If you don't have a lot of confidence in your corners, the approach early is conservative and then it bites you in the *** when the young qb builds confidence. 2nd half he came down to earth and the defense elevated except in some isolated instances.
Ivey has gotten a lot of hate over the years. Some of it was exaggerated, most of it true..

last week he missed that easy tackle allowing the huge gain for bethune and today he was absolutely abused. get that man off the field