Motion to ban


2028 is our year
Nov 3, 2011
The word "skate" and all of its forms from this website.

I'm tired of it and its bull****. After 3 missed postseason games, yet another signing day where we have to wonder "what if?" and now starting off the 2014 cycle behind the ******* 8 ball AGAIN with no real end in site, the term is officially dead.

Its getting negged. It has no more use here and it is no longer humorous. We are like Tim Robbins in Shawshank right now serving time for crimes we didn't commit. Anything we did wrong we have paid for and then some. When you have ESPn basically saying "let Miami be" then you are at the end of the line.

**** the NCAA and **** "skating"
We've paid more in post seasons bans and "potential" sanctions than we possibly would've gotten if sanctions were handed down the same day as the infractions reported.
Not saying all our recruiting mishaps are because of the NCAA. Of course not. But here we ******* go again.

2014 is loaded. Even playing field and we are having a good class, but because of this monkey show we not only have to deal with poison in our own back yard but we have our name already being dragged through the mud on a national scale.

**** is infuriating.

motion to add to the list:
we back (we not back till we have 10 wins in consecutive seasons)
crown him (he is not crowned until he out recruits at least one of the other big 3 in consecutive seasons, if not both).
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