Missed opportunities


Oct 13, 2011
I've tried not to think about the FSU game the past few days, because life is too good to ruin the mood. But when I do think about it, and the season, the same two words come to mind: missed opportunities.

The failure to adjust on offense against Louisville. The failure to adjust on defense against Nebraska and Georgia Tech. The failure to close the deal against Florida State. This had the chance to be a special season, but there were just too many missed opportunities.

On one hand, it's hard to ignore the rising talent level, the improvement within the system, and the superstar under center. That bodes well for the future.

But this year should have been the year. The one question mark (Kaaya) turned into an exclamation point. We have legitimate stars. A Heisman candidate at tailback. An NFL left tackle. The best linebacker in the country. Possibly the best tight end in the country. The best deep threat in the country. All relatively healthy.

We might lose all of those studs this year, with nothing to show for it. That's what hurts. This wasn't a year of blowouts. Miami belonged in every game. But they didn't win any of the close ones, and in a way, it feels even worse.
waste of a season & talent.

Dorsett, Duke, Flowers, Armbrister, Walford, Perryman, Mongo, Chick, Gunter, etc. all gone.

I'm concerned if we can fill these holes next year and there's nothing to show me that we will turn those missed opportunties into capitalized moments.
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Other than the fact that we got shellacked by Louisville and Nebraska, post is dead on. This team was squandered.
Other than the fact that we got shellacked by Louisville and Nebraska, post is dead on. This team was squandered.

We were in those games. It wasn't like Notre Dame in 2012, or Louisville last year. I left both games thinking we had the better team.
Hate to break it to you but we will see the same thing next year.
When is this site going to do a front page story calling for Golden to be fired?
Going into the season I don't know what to expect. Especially after how the defense looked in the RAB and a true frosh QB.

But after a few games I knew we had a chance to be a top 15 team with the emergence of Kaaya and the dominance by DJ8.

Now the season has gone to utter ****. We should legitamently only have 2 losses. GT and FSU we screwed the pooch. 3 games left including the bowl opportunity. I feel like there is gonna be one more letdown...

Something has to change. The second half of game stats are horrendous... Couches go into shell for whatever reason
Miami has 6-8 upperclassman that will start in the NFL, in my opinion.

It's a shame this group is 6-4.
Going into the season I don't know what to expect. Especially after how the defense looked in the RAB and a true frosh QB.

But after a few games I knew we had a chance to be a top 15 team with the emergence of Kaaya and the dominance by DJ8.

Now the season has gone to utter ****. We should legitamently only have 2 losses. GT and FSU we screwed the pooch. 3 games left including the bowl opportunity. I feel like there is gonna be one more letdown...

Something has to change. The second half of game stats are horrendous... Couches go into shell for whatever reason

With the right staff this team is 10-0 right now.
On the positive side however, this corching staff made a metric schit ton of money this year!
There is no sense of urgency to dominate the game.We have the outdated philosophy of staying in the game with the objective to win at the end by being more conservative ,using the clock,and hoping the other team makes mistakes .When we have a lead we slow down the game and the tempo.We lack the killer extinct to put the pedal to the metal and dictate the game offensively and defensively regardless of the opponent.Jimmy Johnson,Urban Meyer,Chip Kelley philosphy was to crush the opponent and the point spread for all sixty minutes of the game.This is the mindset that gets the best results from our athletes instead we harness them with the hope of crossing the finish line and win by a hair.
The best linebacker in the country couldn't make a tackle on a true freshman RB....get the f k outta here. We lost this game because kids didn't go balls out for 60 minutes.
Everyone like to win. It's good. Feels good.

But what separates Golden from Saban, or JJ, or any number of other Head Coaches, past and present is - Golden doesn't hate to lose.

Think about Saban. He hates to lose. In fact, anything short of a perfect game to Saban is Hateful. His dissatisfaction after every game is something to see. Ol' Ball Coach hates losing worse than anything. These are MEN.

Golden doesn't enjoy losing, but Golden doesn't hate it. And if you have any doubts, consider the interviews by players over the past damned-near-four years. Not one of them is ****ed. Not one of them has said they hated losing by either words or attitude. Snickers was a prime example of a Golden-give-a-**** indoctrination.

A man cannot have two fears of equal strength. He'll fear losing, or his hatred of losing - only one can dominate.

Golden fears losing - thus the prevent style lockup in his bowels in games with any difficulty whatsoever.

Golden's FEAR of LOSING, is stronger than his HATRED of LOSING.

And that's in him. His DNA. His core personality.

And that will NOT change. That's why he'll never win a championship. Golden couldn't win a championship with the '72 Dolphins.

Within the first 5 minutes Al Golden complains about night games again. That emotional midget is not leading us anywhere but to more disappointment.

WTF are you doing making me listen to that?

Are you ******* kidding me. "We had a lot of guys grow up".....again. These kids are like ******* 30 years old by now.

"Fringe area" is that similar to a Minge?

"We needed to be plus in the X game" WTF is this guy even talking about?

"We played a **** of a schedule" "everybody is talking about it now but we knew back in the summer"

"5th night road game on national TV. No one else has done that."

I've never heard a corch cherry pick stats to make his loss look so good. He's wasting his time in football. He could easily be POTUS.

I want to fight Don Bailey Jr. In the octagon. All proceeds to charity. I'm old and skinny now but I'll beat his *** pom-pom ***.

Golden was literally giddy during this interview. I'm more sick now than after Brad threw that pick.
Its the cloud people. We are only in year 1 of the Golden era and that's exactly the way to talks to the media. He knows how safe he is and has no reason to adjust per OP as he is convinced what worked at Temple will work here. With the job security he has with his staff he will continue to get away with losing and BS excuses
Other than the fact that we got shellacked by Louisville and Nebraska, post is dead on. This team was squandered.

We were in those games. It wasn't like Notre Dame in 2012, or Louisville last year. I left both games thinking we had the better team.

$, I felt the same way in terms of having a better team but here's the thing. Before Virginia Tech or even Cincinnati I had looked at our first two losses as frustrating because I felt we had a better collection of individual talent. This was and has been my main point of contention with this staff. They didn't seem to know how to take a collection of individual talent and make it mesh into a cohesive unit. A team if you will.

As critical as I have been of this staff, there is no denying that since that loss at GT this has become an entirely different team. I don't know if it's a matter of the coaches being forced to adjust or that they finally figured out what it is that each unit does best and started playing to those strengths. Maybe it has been a combination of the former and key players growing up and finally getting it. I don't know why but I like the way this team is starting to come together.

They way this team finishes out will be crucial. If we see a team that goes up to Virginia and takes out the frustration of FSU on the Cavaliers by winning convincingly then uses Pittsburgh like a doormat, and wraps it all up by having a coming out party against some unsuspecting Bowl opponent to go 9-4 then it very well may be that we could be on our way back.

As far as replacing the departing players such as Duke, Feliciano, Flowers, Walford, Dorsett, Chickillo and Armbrister and Perryman, thats college football. Obviously the key is having the talent required to reload. Those players will definitely be missed but the guys who will be charged with stepping into their roles should be more than Capable. Yearby, Gray, Scarlett, Linder, McDermott, Darling, Dobard, Herndon, Njoku, Coley, Waters, Thomas, AQM, Moten, Grace, Owens and Kirby have me optimistic.
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