Miami will regret not hiring lane kiffin

Kiffin has been humbled and has matured greatly under Saban. Probably will be a better HC going forward, but a very good OC.

lol @ being humbled....dude has /had no choice...his *** would be unemployed...

his offense still isnt good...he got 208 yds receiving from a te...that got by on a few blown covg's...and a 2 yd pass route that yield a big gain because of a missed tackle.
Nothing about watching Bama on offense impresses me ever.......GAMEPLAN, SCHEME, ROUTE COMBO,.......nothing.. They just have more jimmy and joes.

That missed tackle was one for the ages. Kid made a great stop on the edge earlier I think, but the dude grew a ****** right before that miss. Tough to live that one down. Film session is gonna suck for him. Poor kid. Oh well.

Go Canes!
Guy is Miami. What a great job adjusting tonight. CMR will be a good coach but Lane could have been the next JJ.

just for kicks and giggles. Anyone see that Alabama left Lane Kiffin behind last night after the game? he apparently made the plane but still hilarious all the same

Congrats on creating the dumbest thread in CIS history, that is quite a special achievement given the idiocy that is constantly spewed here...
I agree that Miami could regret never hiring him as an Offensive coordinator if that opportunity ever happened.

As a head coach? NAh.
His act has only changed because Saban is in charge & Kiffin is on a short leash. Give him his own gig & watch the clown show reappear.
hes a great OC, and i think maybe he'll eventually get it right as an HC with a few more years under saban and given the right opportunity...but richt is an absolute grand slam hire and to suggest kiffin is somehow even in the same league is laughable really
Sounds like OP is a massive fan of Cam Underwood of State Of The U. Which is unfortunate on way too many levels to properly discuss here.