Miami linked to NIL investigaton

“[Expletive] the NCAA. I would love to sue those scumbags. I hired the pre-eminent attorney in the country on NIL [Darren Heitner] and he crossed every T, dotted every I and they still want to look into it. Maybe [the NCAA is] scared they’re losing their power. They’re all pieces of [expletive].”
These SEC cuck holsters' greatest fear is a dominant Miami and a dominant FSU. All eyes would be on the ACC. They'd lose ratings and revenues on their SEC shows and threaten paychecks. It could be glorious.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Revisiting this as The NCAA today announced they were investigating Miami’s NIL deal. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Peter Burns (@PeterBurnsESPN) <a href="">December 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Thoughts on this guy, his credibility and why he would bother tweeting about the Canes when he covers the SEC?

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The feel of my fist sinking into his face while simultaneously hearing the crunch of his facial bones would be a good way to start the day.
As another poster said, the NCAA offered no guidelines. So there is nothing on paper against paying an entire roster for NIL. And there is nothing to stop - let’s say Jerry Jones - from doing the same in Dallas and offering each player a $2M deal to sign with SMU. Or for Phil Knight to do the same for all athletes in all sports who sign with Oregon.
This. You can’t say there are no guidelines and then go out and punish people when there aren’t any parameters in place.
According to Burns himself from the link at the top of his Twitter page, he was fired from a previous media job for being a ****y *******.

Pretty much explains why he was given a platform on the SEC Network
Like I said, a minor villain in They Live. When you put on the special sun glasses, you see the words SEC RULES under him.
This Peter Griffin guy has the audacity to throw stones at Miami, when that league is the dirtiest, slimiest, cheating league in sports history.
FSU and Clemson:

Me Too Samesies GIF
hmmmm.... i wonder if Phil Knight used his leverage in college football to get at us since we took Mario away from Oregon! Best conspiracy theory I can come up with...anyone else have a sinister plot?
What the NCAA is deciding is whether having whole team deals is pay for play. BYU has a team deal with a protein supplement company.

I think the NCAA wants to draw a line against it. Otherwise, guys like the billionaire booster Ruiz could just pay every player a million dollars every year for whatever company he wants to start.

There really isn't any limit. It's so wide open. The NCAA is trying to put a lid on air. The one thing it should do is limit company's from contributing based on a percentage of their revenue. This would prevent shell companies from funneling money.

Whichever way this goes, those providing NILs should just be more creative in their wording and not say the whole team even if they all wind up getting it. Just make sure the players have to actually do something to get the money. You can leave that open to the entire team to participate. They could have a promotion for their customers to meet the Miami Hurricanes football players. Each player participating will get #5,000 dollars over 10 months. PROBLEM SOLVED.

One great thing about the NIL money is that it levels the playing field on bag money because every school can help facilitate NIL money to it's players. There's no need for back-door deals. It all can be legit.
hmmmm.... i wonder if Phil Knight used his leverage in college football to get at us since we took Mario away from Oregon! Best conspiracy theory I can come up with...anyone else have a sinister plot?
Knight might try to get at us, but doubt he would bother with Twitter Asshats No. 1 and 2 to get the ball rolling