Miami Best LB corps since?

Still baffled how someone like Flagg not only got a scholly here but is a **** starter. I’m surprised he was even able to get 1, count it 1, solo tackle last year.

Flagg knows the plays but he just can't make any plays

Bbbbbut he had a bunch of tackles in high school!
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Still baffled how someone like Flagg not only got a scholly here but is a **** starter. I’m surprised he was even able to get 1, count it 1, solo tackle last year.

Bbbbbut he had a bunch of tackles in high school!
**** embarrassing.. How can dude just walk into starting position.. The ******* unit needs to be over recruited ASAP.. We got no impact players even in the pipeline man, wtfffff DIaz been here how many years and he cant find ONE FREAKING LB IN THE COUNTRY to play here?!
Oy vey iz mir... As a yid, i find myself saying oy all the **** time. I'm not a believer, practicer for decades and yet Oy or oy vey iz mir comes out all the **** time. It's weird.
You probably heard it at home a lot. Has nothing to do with being observent religiously, since it was a language of the culture and community, not used in religious practice. The prayers were still in Hebrew.

Many Jews around the world did not come from a culture which used Yiddish, which was primarily an older Germanic dialect mixed with some Slavic words, etc.

Jews who lived in North Africa, Turkey, Greece, and the Mediterranean Basin did not speak Hebrew, they spoke Ladino, which was a form of Castilian Spanish.

Iranian Jews had their own language which was a form of Farsi, as I recall.

I think I posted something about this a while back. The number of Yiddish speakers in our football program is probably nil. Even Zev Lumelski, who was born in Russia, probably did not know much Yiddish, if at all, since the Soviets tried to kill the language.

General Colin Powell could reportedly converse in Yiddish, since he worked in a ****** wedding gown store as a teenager in the Bronx, from what I can recall.
The toe thing baffles me. I broke my left middle toe on a trail run, and I was back less than a week later, training for my first marathon. I'm a 41-year-old weekend warrior.
Brooks is a 20-something Adonis at UM whose toe has had him on the shelf for like a year. Like someone else on CIS said, just Ronnie Lott that **** and let's go.
Much harder to do it with a toe than a finger. It would totally **** up his gait and balance. Don't believe it if you think that a toe injury can't be very debilitating. Jerome Brown lost out on a vote for the Outland or Lombardi Trophy because of a bad toe.

I think it was Jerome's senior year, the Sports Info department tried to market Jerome for the Outland and Lombardi Trophies, in addition to the campaign they undertook (successfully) for Vinnie's Heisman.

In fact, they issued a glossy, well-done small booklet which was sent to media people and voters all around the country. Sam Jankovich was very ****ed when we lost several such awards in a row to guys like Chad Henning and somebody else, maybe a guy from BYU. Another was from Air Force. Every year, the breakdown on voting for the Heisman and the two other awards was regional in the sense our guys would get a lot of votes from southern voters, but do much worse in the Mountain and Far West. I remember one voter was interviewed and he voted against Jerome because he had some off games because of a lingering toe injury. The writer was skeptical that such a toe injury should slow a guy aiming for such lofty honors, said something to the effect that didn't seem reasonable that something as minor as a toe should slow him. It was actually a prejudiced and ignorant statement. Some toe injuries can heavily impair your ability to push off and get traction. I remember seeing Jerome in pregame drills at Pitt Stadium in '86, a game we won despite being gashed for almost 300 yards by Pitt's Craig Ironhead Heyward. He was limping through pregame drills. I'm sure he was less than 100% effective during the game.
Much harder to do it with a toe than a finger. It would totally **** up his gait and balance. Don't believe it if you think that a toe injury can't be very debilitating. Jerome Brown lost out on a vote for the Outland or Lombardi Trophy because of a bad toe.

I think it was Jerome's senior year, the Sports Info department tried to market Jerome for the Outland and Lombardi Trophies, in addition to the campaign they undertook (successfully) for Vinnie's Heisman.

In fact, they issued a glossy, well-done small booklet which was sent to media people and voters all around the country. Sam Jankovich was very ****ed when we lost several such awards in a row to guys like Chad Henning and somebody else, maybe a guy from BYU. Another was from Air Force. Every year, the breakdown on voting for the Heisman and the two other awards was regional in the sense our guys would get a lot of votes from southern voters, but do much worse in the Mountain and Far West. I remember one voter was interviewed and he voted against Jerome because he had some off games because of a lingering toe injury. The writer was skeptical that such a toe injury should slow a guy aiming for such lofty honors, said something to the effect that didn't seem reasonable that something as minor as a toe should slow him. It was actually a prejudiced and ignorant statement. Some toe injuries can heavily impair your ability to push off and get traction. I remember seeing Jerome in pregame drills at Pitt Stadium in '86, a game we won despite being gashed for almost 300 yards by Pitt's Craig Ironhead Heyward. He was limping through pregame drills. I'm sure he was less than 100% effective during the game.
that is interesting. Jerome was such a force and impacted the game so much that Ironhead's career night may have not been what it was, if Jerome was healthy. Never knew that. I still get so aggravated that he is yet to get in the hall. We have a lot of players that deserve to be in the college hall of fame, but Jerome is more over due than any of them.
The state of the LB room is literally a corchin malpractice of behalf of Manny
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CJ Holton, Shayon Green and Tyrone Cornelius to name a few more. Outside of Sean Spence, Denzel Perryman, Shaquille Quarterman and Michael Pinckney the LB position has been a complete disaster for over a decade and then some.
The toe thing baffles me. I broke my left middle toe on a trail run, and I was back less than a week later, training for my first marathon. I'm a 41-year-old weekend warrior.
Brooks is a 20-something Adonis at UM whose toe has had him on the shelf for like a year. Like someone else on CIS said, just Ronnie Lott that **** and let's go.

Oh man I broke my big toe Kickin' a refrigerator a couple years ago an still feel it to this day I couldn't wear a shoe for over 2 months because of the pain! It took forever to heal I couldn't imagine playing football that whole year yes it was that serious! I'm a accident prone crash dummy and breaking my big toe was by far the worst pain I've ever felt in my life for a long time too! I guess going through it I understand and yes I've heard people breaking there toe an doin what u did but just telling you how I felt!