Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

With Allen being a huge advocate for Dorsey to be promoted, I think our chances of getting Dorsey are slimming. Not to mention he would be getting NFL looks as an OC from multiple franchises.

Also, the fact that we now have recruits saying publicly that not having a DC hurts us....I surely hope we make some announcements soon.

Lots of emphasis put into recruiting, but we're getting hammered negatively on the trail because we don't have a complete staff.
Better to wait and make a good hire then rush for 22 class. skinner and anything after is just a bonus.

23 class and 22 season more important

Key And Peele Reaction GIF
I guess this is what happens when you hire quality coaches??? Sucks man. Him and trob were our snipers. But he ain’t gone yet
Should have kept likens. This was a rookie staff building move if the incompatibility of the wife and miami was already known, which it seems like it was based on the Richt situation if that is true. Fortunately there is plenty of time to get a great fit to lock up the killer 23 class wr's