Off-Topic Mass killings

You racist transphobe anti-groomer.

NO PLACE in society for your DANGEROUS attitude.

You probably caused the sea levels to rise by 1" last year to!


TrumpyCane just keeping his freak on.

I like the cut of his jib/the way he thinks/sense of responsibility toward his daughter.

I just think he'll not have to worry about it so much, as in the next few years - this insanity in schools and society will be terminated.

There's a pendulum effect in morality, social limitations, and corrective measures - that's going to swing bigly the other way as folks - good folks - finally determine they've had a belly full of this twisted BS and decide it's time to eradicate the sources of their disgust.

Thing is, once it's started - the "activities" that drive that eradication go full bore, and even some previous minor activities and those who participate in minor indiscretions get caught up in the fever of the eradication process - and are eradicated as well.

As an example, in our recent 19th century - things might get out of hand through a lack of law enforcement - by those who just went full ****** in breaking the law. The "good" citizens would get together, arm up, and decide to clean up their community.

Some places didn't have a large supply of trees, and the next morning, there would be bad guys hanging from trees, inside barns, stables - everywhere. And while rounding up those murderers, thieves, troublemakers, and other practitioners of aberrant behavior - even a passing through gambler would get caught up in the action as well.

Nothing more frightening to me than good men who have had enough, and determine to correct the situation.

Even in war. No standing army ever wins a war. Hopefully, they can slow down the other side while the population's good men can mobilize - and it's always THEM who clean up and win the wars. And they're filled with a fury that takes them from their homes and families for the engagement, and they will engage in unholy activities to make it as short and efficient as possible.

Nature in man has a self-correcting feature built in, and tolerance determines when the self-correcting features kick in.

'The bad guy's going to get a gun no matter what laws you put in place,' Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods said​

Same questions keep popping up after a multi-shooting event occurs.

"How can we solve these mass shootings?"

Answer: "Everyone carries."

"How come this guy has 132 bullet holes in him?"

"Restraint. There were 133 of us when he fired his first round. Everyone restrained themselves."
This is the case in the majority of the states.
Yep, but doesn't make it "right." Evidence of training on proper use and handling/storage of a weapon should be required before purchase. Cars are often cited here as "lethal weapons." OK, you don't get to drive a car without a license requiring evidence of appropriate training.