Off-Topic Mass killings

This is something I have no answer for, but think it’s been touched on.

Suicidal ideation and terroristic threats are the biggie and in my line of work will get you 1013d. I can’t seem to get any concept though of how long they might have to wait to get a firearm?
I am suggesting for our discussion that exhibit A is 22 now. He had been bullied in middle school. Tried to kill himself in the 8th grade. Outside of those years in middle school, exhibit A has been to therapy and takes meds or smokes medical marijuana. In Georgia it specifically says no marijuana on the application process for background check I believe.
Just for the discussion please see medical marijuana as therapy not just a stoner that wants a gun.

To me this candidate would be fine for a gun. But **** who the **** really knows? What do you think?

PS. Imagine being a therapist or doctor, are you signing off for someone to buy a gun?

I suppose I can get squirrelly and see the worst happening. I don’t like the eroding of rights. I know you don’t either. Respectfully even though we differ on Roe v Wade, I absolutely think it’s an erosion of rights. I suppose the Supreme Court said it isn’t a right. With enough rewriting of law and precedence rejection, I think anything any of us hold dear can be taken away.
I have no idea about individual state laws outside of mine. But red flag laws will never help. NY is trying to make it where you have to show your social media profile to get a firearm. While that may sound harmless, it’s not. Asking the political party in charge of your state to decide who can and can’t get a firearm is the dumbest idea there is. And don’t for one second think whoever is in charge of making that decision is apolitical.
I have no idea about individual state laws outside of mine. But red flag laws will never help. NY is trying to make it where you have to show your social media profile to get a firearm. While that may sound harmless, it’s not. Asking the political party in charge of your state to decide who can and can’t get a firearm is the dumbest idea there is. And don’t for one second think whoever is in charge of making that decision is apolitical.

Holy fudge brownies, I think I agree with almost everything you said here. I think it is asinine to check social media bc all of that stuff can be fake and made up just for starters.
Erosion of rights for all of us.
As a conservative leaning person that isn't an R or D... that is what I know conservatives are most worried about. Some more-right-than-me conservatives are very literal to interpreting the constitution. If you come at the 2nd amendment, they push back... cause they feel if you take an inch... you are going to eventually try to take a mile. And I get that and agree with it to a degree... cause many times it actually does happen. It's similar to liberals thinking that the Dobbs decision is going to lead to the Supreme Court going after *** marriage. And I get it... most likely it doesn't happen during our lifetime, but you can never say "I guarantee that won't happen".

But there are common sense things that almost everyone D or R can agree on with things like the 2nd amendment. Like if there is a looney tune dude who dresses up as a girl and threatens to kill himself and his family and has 16 knives... dude (or whatever their pronouns are) shouldn't be able to touch a gun.

But there comes a point where you cross that line and using social media to make a "judgement call" on whether you think they are worthy of getting a gun. We all can see where that can lead to more than just simply looking for harmful or mentally ill social media postings.
BBC News - South Africa: Fifteen shot dead in Soweto township bar
In the old days, it was a source of pride to see the rest of the world trying to follow the USA's lead. Not so much in this case.

It is a shame this is happening. Let's just hope that the number of incidents in the US starts to match the frequency in all these other countries.
In the old days, it was a source of pride to see the rest of the world trying to follow the USA's lead. Not so much in this case.

It is a shame this is happening. Let's just hope that the number of incidents in the US starts to match the frequency in all these other countries.
This has been going on in Soweto for decades.

Ya gotta get out more.
The video of the police waiting, at the recent school shooting, shows they were afraid that they were outgunned.
There will be no medals for heroism.
There will be a push to ban assault weapons, but don’t hold your breath.