Off-Topic Mass killings

I’m not upset my guy , I spend what little of my free time I have sleeping , on Cis or YT. Waiting on football season , even then after the game my TV goes off. I try to separate from that stuff as much as possible. I don’t need programmed , no matter how subliminal it is:

My TV legit hasn‘t been on in 2-3 weeks lol.
Man you missing some good shows ! But I feel you . I watch majority older sht movies tho when I have time I’ll turn on something like Goodfellas or Young Guns before I check to see what’s new out

That was kinda my point tho . I get that there’s political bias all over . But you can still disconnect or selectively choose what you consume. I think you gotta be a little crazy in the head to follow politics on the daily if you don’t actually work in politics lol . Sht can’t be healthy
I’m aware, because I saw them online yesterday way BEFORE I came to this thread and saw NCCanes post

I guess they weren’t sitting on them very well
Where did his social media pages go?
What major news outlets are showing these photos?
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Nothing about the buffalo's shooter's past was omitted from major news outlets' coverage. Be serious if you want to have a real conversation.
Why did you go from asking about the “social media” to now it’s “shooter’s past” ? His social medias and his manifesto he posted online were deleted.

It’s all over the place online. NCCane is not some expert investigator that had to jump through hoops to find those photos. I can find them in two seconds
Nobody will go after Big Pharma. They’re too powerful and fund too many politicians. They’re bulletproof , even though they‘re a big portion of the problem.
You would think that if a large portion of shooters are all on the same type of medication it would be cause for at least a little bit of concern. But I guess not.
Why did you go from asking about the “social media” to now it’s “shooter’s past” ? His social medias and his manifesto he posted online were deleted.

It’s all over the place online. NCCane is not some expert investigator that had to jump through hoops to find those photos. I can find them in two seconds
I didn’t post any pictures.
Why did you go from asking about the “social media” to now it’s “shooter’s past” ? His social medias and his manifesto he posted online were deleted.

It’s all over the place online. NCCane is not some expert investigator that had to jump through hoops to find those photos. I can find them in two seconds
Because they were immediately wiped and never reported by the MSM. Which is in stark contrast the incident your likened it to.
October surprise in January?
Laptop was banned from social media and falsely debunked by the so called IC, months before the election. It was even brought up in a debate.

Both instances were out there before the election. That’s why he is comparing them.
In addition to Flapping our gums on here which really accomplishes nothing

I suggest as part of the Cane community UNLESS you completely disagree that gun violence is an issue that needs to be reduced/eliminated.

REGARDLESS of how you feel this problem needs to be addressed. Call/write your representative, give your opinion/ propose your solution and let them know that doing NOTHING is not acceptable to you.

Easy to do. Took me less than 10minutes

Talk and posting is useless without action
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There is a problem with violence. Guns just being a bi product of said behavioral issues.
Are you saying America has a problem with violence, but not with gun violence? That is certainly a power move by you. I think there are Americans who love and fascinate over guns. They influence others that are perhaps weak minded and easily influenced. Think cousin Eddie when Clark goes off on his boss for no Christmas bonus. Eddie did the literal where Clark was using figurative language.
There is a problem where there are people with guns (illegally in most cases … but also mentally unstable people too) that shouldn’t have them, yes.

But the guns don’t shoot themselves

Gun violence comes from individuals that shouldn’t have guns. The big problem is getting the guns out of those peoples’ hands

I’d like to think that regardless of how one frames the gun discussion, in your post there are actual reasonable points to begin solving the problem.

Just a few talking points! I’ve mentioned I work with kids that have been trafficked. I would say about 1 out of 11 or 12 end up 1013 for a little time. They have had suicidal ideation which got them 1013.
When they age out what happens? I’d say there is a huge conundrum. On the one hand they have a need for protection in a way we may not appreciate. On the other hand they may snap and commit violence.

I’m truly thinking that they are between a rock and a hard place.

No easy answers!!
In addition to Flapping our gums on here which really accomplishes nothing

I suggest as part of the Cane community UNLESS you completely disagree that gun violence is an issue that needs to be reduced/eliminated.

REGARDLESS of how you feel this problem needs to be addressed. Call/write your representative, give your opinion/ propose your solution and let them know that doing NOTHING is not acceptable to you.

Easy to do. Took me less than 10minutes

Talk and posting is useless without action
This is pointless too. I’ve been writing my congress people for a decade, letting them know the NFA list is unconstitutional and it’s gotten nowhere.
Is that a LOADED question or what?!? 😂


Man i support gun rights. Probably the least passionate gun rights supporter here, but nevertheless!!
The off topic board seems settled down and we are all talking like people who care even though we may disagree on certain points. It’s encouraging!

I thought some people might say there is no problem with gun violence. So far I’ve only seen one person say that there isn’t a problem with gun violence. Always a few on the fringes!!
This guy was mentally ill. They knew he was suicidal and removed knives from his room a few years ago. The guy posted drawings of him killing cops and supposedly nobody saw red flags. So sure, let's add federal red flag laws because they sure didn't work at the state level in IL.
The system is only as good as the people in it. Frankly, his parents and doctors failed. His father signed for him to get a gun permit. His doctors didn't notify the state that he should be on a red flag list. Still, if red flag laws prevent other shootings, should we throw them out because they don't work 100% of the time?

Show me a system that works 100% of the time. If it were that easy, this problem would have been solved already.