Off-Topic Mass killings

Do I work in the media ? What are you even talking about ? Everything doesn’t have to be political. We are dudes talking on a Canes message board

The media didn’t force him to go look for those pictures of dude and post them here. He chose to do that. So isn’t it actually hypocrisy for him to do that and then turn around and complain that left wingers do ? Break the cycle or something ****.

Since everything has to be political , what exact point is even proved by trying to claim he’s left wing when over 70% of attacks in the last two decades have been right wing ? I guess I’m just confused what’s to be gained here….you can complain about the media all you want but I don’t work for CNN or MSNBC so it’s really irrelevant
I took his post as irony , nothing more. Because it’s played differently if it’s the other way around by MSM. People aren’t as appalled when the shoe is on the other foot.

There’s just as many crazies on the left as the right and that’s a fact. You might not believe that because the NYT’s , WP, CNN, Msnbc don’t exactly cover it the same. Just like how they didn’t cover Hunter Biden… all!! It was more Russian disinformation lol. Twitter banned the article or any mention of it. The oldest newspaper in the country was also banned from twitter. More proof how biased it all is. Just imagine if that was orange mans son involved in all that. Cable networks would’ve exploded.

That’s why bipartisan news are a must. And the only place that really exists is independent journalism. At least the less of two evils.
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An random article about the Crimo nut job… which mentions his fascination with the number 47 and mentions he’s a Trump follower and him potentially becoming the 47th president…

Man I don’t understand why he wasn’t flagged when he went to purchase a gun . If he had already been talked to by the police about threats to kill his family, he should’ve been disqualified off the rip or at least extensively vetted first
But it can be used for political gain.

Unfortunately politicians try hard to do that and often succeed because we let them

It's not their fault, because politicians are just doing what every sneaky no-count, useless ******* always does.

We've got to hold the "do nothings" accountable and stop listening to rhetoric. It's up to us to exert a hard price on those politicians that do nothing... instead of working towards a solution. We can't keep re-electing them.

There's nothing better than an informed educated public. People who use different reliable non-partisan sources to sift through all the BS.

But that takes work and unfortunately many of us are lazy
Turn the tv off sometimes man holy ****
Its not the news, it’s everything. Movies, sports , entertainment , **** its even in cartoons. That’s why I only turn my tv on for the kickoff and off after the game. At one point in history we kept our faith and religion separate and private. You discussed it with friends , maybe some family but for the most part it stayed in your home.

Now I can’t turn on a movie or sporting even without it being slammed in my face.

I know people who’s worked in big sports media that had to leave jobs because they wouldn’t take part in political bs. If you don’t cower to the msm thinking you’re ostracized. Life is made so horrible it forces you to leave. Which multiple people I know have done. Theres plenty of people in Hollywood who go though this. Its why Sage Steele is going to take espn to the cleaners in her lawsuit. Ryan Clark flat out said he wouldn’t work with her because he doesn’t agree with her thinking politically.

So like I said it’s everywhere, you might not notice it because your views align with the mainstream. But for those like myself who’s more apolitical , center left or right its very blatant.

I just find the hypocrisy hilarious, especailly with how things are covered by “ journalists “. How can you be a journalist and you’re biased as **** politically?

Then people wonder why 60 percent of the country doesn’t trust them.
I took his post as irony , nothing more. Because it’s played differently if it’s the other way around by MSM. People aren’t as appalled when the shoe is on the other foot.

There’s just as many crazies on the left as the right and that’s a fact. You might not believe that because the NYT’s , WP, CNN, Msnbc don’t exactly cover it the same. Just like how they didn’t cover Hunter Biden… all!! It was more Russian disinformation lol. Twitter banned the article or any mention of it. The oldest newspaper in the country was also banned from twitter. More proof how biased it all is. Just imagine if that was orange mans son involved in all that. Cable networks would’ve exploded.

That’s why bipartisan news are a must. And the only place that really exists is independent journalists.
You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. Just like the left has CNN and MSNBC, the right has FoxNews and Newsmax. Those aren’t MSM as well ? Those are biased just the way CNN is. That’s the way it is, has been, and will continue to be probably forever. You all have to stop assuming that people only watch a certain media because they disagree with you. Or that they watch any political media at all. Be honest, do YOU actually give a sht about Hunter Biden or his laptop ? Why do you care so much about bias if the core information is still readily available to you to form your own opinion on?

Sure you can make the claim that there are just as many crazies on the left and right and im inclined to agree, just like I’m sure there are many crazies who don’t even know what liberals and conservatives are. But when you look at the statistics of these terror attacks, that claim doesn’t hold up. It’s overwhelmingly right wing attacks. That’s just the fact of the matter. The information is right there with a 2 second google search . That has nothing to do with what media you consume.
😂 yeah condemn! Sometimes my brain and my fingers don’t coordinate in perfect harmony!

Also, why are condemn and condone so close in spelling and sound… yet mean the opposite!


Because I was thinking WTF! that's not the ithacane I used to know
Do I work in the media ? What are you even talking about ? Everything doesn’t have to be political. We are dudes talking on a Canes message board

The media didn’t force him to go look for those pictures of dude and post them here. He chose to do that. So isn’t it actually hypocrisy for him to do that and then turn around and complain that left wingers do ? Break the cycle or something ****.

Since everything has to be political , what exact point is even proved by trying to claim he’s left wing when over 70% of attacks in the last two decades have been right wing ? I guess I’m just confused what’s to be gained here….you can complain about the media all you want but I don’t work for CNN or MSNBC so it’s really irrelevant
Thats the point lol. The media found those pictures BEFORE NCCanes did. And sat on them lol.
Its not the news, it’s everything. Movies, sports , entertainment , **** its even in cartoons. That’s why I only turn my tv on for the kickoff and off after the game. At one point in history we kept our faith and religion separate and private. You discussed it with friends , maybe some family but for the most part it stayed in your home.

Now I can’t turn on a movie or sporting even without it being slammed in my face.

I know people who’s worked in big sports media that had to leave jobs because they wouldn’t take part in political bs. If you don’t cower to the msm thinking you’re ostracized. Life is made so horrible it forces you to leave. Which multiple people I know have done. Theres plenty of people in Hollywood who go though this. Its why Sage Steele is going to take espn to the cleaners in her lawsuit. Ryan Clark flat out said he wouldn’t work with her because he doesn’t agree with her thinking politically.

So like I said it’s everywhere, you might not notice it because your views align with the mainstream. But for those like myself who’s more apolitical , center left or right its very blatant.

I just find the hypocrisy hilarious, especailly with how things are covered by “ journalists “. How can you be a journalist and you’re biased as **** politically?

Then people wonder why 60 percent of the country doesn’t trust them.
This - the bolded part, right here.
Its not the news, it’s everything. Movies, sports , entertainment , **** its even in cartoons. That’s why I only turn my tv on for the kickoff and off after the game. At one point in history we kept our faith and religion separate and private. You discussed it with friends , maybe some family but for the most part it stayed in your home.

Now I can’t turn on a movie or sporting even without it being slammed in my face.

I know people who’s worked in big sports media that had to leave jobs because they wouldn’t take part in political bs. If you don’t cower to the msm thinking you’re ostracized. Life is made so horrible it forces you to leave. Which multiple people I know have done. Theres plenty of people in Hollywood who go though this. Its why Sage Steele is going to take espn to the cleaners in her lawsuit. Ryan Clark flat out said he wouldn’t work with her because he doesn’t agree with her thinking politically.

So like I said it’s everywhere, you might not notice it because your views align with the mainstream. But for those like myself who’s more apolitical , center left or right its very blatant.

I just find the hypocrisy hilarious, especailly with how things are covered by “ journalists “. How can you be a journalist and you’re biased as **** politically?

Then people wonder why 60 percent of the country doesn’t trust them.
I see it all the time as well . I guess I just don’t care enough to get that upset about it or let it incorporate my life. If a few lines out of a movie or a politically charged character leaves you feeling “slammed in the face” you may have stronger feelings towards politics than you realize 🤷🏾‍♂️

All of those people are completely free to take jobs where their political leanings have no effect on their work life, like the rest of us
That’s primarily all it’s used for and I’ve always found it gross. Politicians know exactly how to play people and their emotions. Just to fill their pockets and stay in office. It’s all about survival , not the people.

The media will use whatever data / statistic that fits their narrative , but will leave out anything that’ll hurt it. As a person who’s never voted or been overly political it’s obvious to see . Politicians on both sides know nothing is coming from all their theatre, it’s just a way to rile up their troops for the elections. Ironically both sides are still split on issues from 20-30 years ago, and it’ll conveniently stay that way. Funny how that works.

If you’re buying into all of this you likely think wrestling is real too. It’s all theatre based on creating division.

“Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fu@k about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fu@k about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing, keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

George Carlin
Thats the point lol. The media found those pictures BEFORE NCCanes did. And sat on them lol.
I’m aware, because I saw them online yesterday way BEFORE I came to this thread and saw NCCanes post

I guess they weren’t sitting on them very well
I see it all the time as well . I guess I just don’t care enough to get that upset about it or let it incorporate my life. If a few lines out of a movie or a politically charged character leaves you feeling “slammed in the face” you may have stronger feelings towards politics than you realize 🤷🏾‍♂️

All of those people are completely free to take jobs where their political leanings have no effect on their work life, like the rest of us
I’m not upset my guy , I spend what little of my free time I have sleeping , on Cis or YT. Waiting on football season , even then after the game my TV goes off. I try to separate from that stuff as much as possible. I don’t need programmed , no matter how subliminal it is:

My TV legit hasn‘t been on in 2-3 weeks lol.
Just shocking... graduated from burning down cities to shooting up Independence Day celebrations.
This guy was mentally ill. They knew he was suicidal and removed knives from his room a few years ago. The guy posted drawings of him killing cops and supposedly nobody saw red flags. So sure, let's add federal red flag laws because they sure didn't work at the state level in IL.
My mantra is investigate all claims.

Compare and contrast Hunter's laptop to the Steele Dossier.
By all means , get to investigating then !

Comparing and contrasting allegations against a civilian to allegations against the President of the United States doesn’t seem productive to be honest with you
“Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fu@k about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fu@k about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing, keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

George Carlin
That’s why I’m against anything giving the government more power. The less power they have the better.
Man I don’t understand why he wasn’t flagged when he went to purchase a gun . If he had already been talked to by the police about threats to kill his family, he should’ve been disqualified off the rip or at least extensively vetted first
If I read it correctly... he threatened to commit suicide in April 2019 and then in Sept of the same year threatened to kill "everyone" in his house when the police seized 16 knives and some other goodies. But in December his Dad sponsors him to be able to get firearms and he passes 4 background checks and gets 5 guns?!? The system is F'd up if you can do that... let alone only a few months after the police seizure of weapons (which you would assume would be flagged somehow in the dudes history, right? i mean, what is the point of Red Flag laws if it's not?).

Epic failure here and what kind of $hitty parents and Uncle (whom he was supposedly living with ... or behind in an apartment) are they to not notice any of this or more likely... just ignore it?!? WTF!
By all means , get to investigating then !

Comparing and contrasting allegations against a civilian to allegations against the President of the United States doesn’t seem productive to be honest with you
The two situations are about presidential candidates. The Steele Dossier was the 2016 October Surprise as the laptop was in 2020.
That’s why I’m against anything giving the government more power. The less power they have the better.
Covid should have opened everyone's eyes SUPER wide on that. However, what it revealed more than anything to me... is there a lot of what I call "zombies" that just walk around with their head down, ignoring "common sense" and just repeating on loop, everything the MSM tells them.

The suppression of any opposing view by big tech and MSM was another huge alarm bell that should have woke people up... but instead it just WOKE people up