Off-Topic Mass killings

The NRA and 2nd Amendment will make sure Americans have alot of options to purchase guns. Furthermore, the NRA is so engrained with the GOP and give plenty of financial support that guns will never go away.

Psalm 14 and Romans 3 indicate humanity is flawed. There will never be enough done to eliminate gun violence. As technology advances so will the quality of guns and comparable products! I decided to register SmartGunRange dot com in hopes of Smart Guns gaining popularity.
It sounds like we need to find other solutions then.
Just got off t-con as some old friends asked me to consult on an operational problem...ya know because I'm a nobody who doesn't know a thing...

US is about 1.3MM psychiatric beds short just to get back to 1950s-1960s levels. We are 800K Psychiatrists (MD/DO) short. Provider shortfall gets better if we expand scope of practice to lower tier providers, but very tough thing to do politically/policy/patient safety wise....
Please, tell me this doesn't lead to Door Control Legislation.

Several years ago, Palm Beach County changed all of the schools to a single secured entry point that you had to be let into with locked doors everywhere else that could be used in an emergency, to get to the track, etc. It's a very simple concept that requires a little retrofitting. And yes, the high school has a resource officer parked right out front.
I hope all of this happened after Ramos was neutralized...

Else those LEO protected and served the f outta those parents.
Crazy 90 minute elapsed between the first 911 call and Ramos getting ended.

Look at all the different agencies in this one clip...

- Uvalde PD
- County Sheriff Dept
- Texas Depart of Public Safety
- Border Tactical Unit
- Border Rescue
- Border Special Ops
- And I guess an off duty Tactical Unit guy

Look at the tactical gear the local police have. How could they say they were unprepared? The Police Department is at most a 1 minute drive away. There's a Border Patrol Station that is at most 5 minutes away.

Four years ago the school district issued a statement that two junior high students were planning a Columbine style shooting for 2022. What the actual f*ck

Uvalde CISD issued a statement on Thursday:

Our school district is committed to the safety and education of all our students and we want to clearly communicate about safety issues when they arise. One of our Morales Junior High students was experiencing a crisis. Upon rendering aid and support, the student revealed a future plan to conduct a school shooting in the year of 2022. With the type of detailed information that was revealed by the student to law enforcement and confirmed in their investigation, the student has been arrested and will not be returning to our school. Our school district has a strong partnership with our local law enforcement agencies and emergency responders. They share our commitment to student safety, and we are working closely with them to ensure all information is thoroughly evaluated and our school is as safe as possible.
We ask our parents to assist us in reminding their child/children of the importance of telling a staff member if they ever become aware of a plan to harm individuals or of a weapon at school. The STOPit app may be utilized by parents or students to inform administration of any inappropriate behavior. In this way, we are all working together to keep our schools safe.

Anne Marie Espinoza
As a former LEO you are wrong. Laws exist to protect people from eachother. Protecting the public and enforcing the law go hand in hand.
Well this is a great example of "never take legal advice from an LEO".

Well this is a great example of "never take legal advice from an LEO".

A: Ban guns!
B: What do I do if someone breaks into my house?
A: Call the police.
Police: Not our job.
Several years ago, Palm Beach County changed all of the schools to a single secured entry point that you had to be let into with locked doors everywhere else that could be used in an emergency, to get to the track, etc. It's a very simple concept that requires a little retrofitting. And yes, the high school has a resource officer parked right out front.
That was in response to Parkland, right (legit asking)?

My frustration stems from it feels like the "door" suggestions are the new "police need more funding and training," which was the new "it's a mental health issue," which was the new "gun laws don't work."
So the red flag laws didn't work in buffalo?

Am I fair to say that?

Would red flag laws have worked in the case of the Uvale massacre?



Where does this **** meet the middle of the road?

Evil will always exist. Sure. But how can we better protect our youth? Why is it so taboo to say that we should arm our teachers? If a bytch got a gun, they got a gun. They are no longer an adult, no? We have to protect the "gun free" zones, no?

From what I understand of red flag laws, they only work with current gun owners, they don't work with future gun owners. To further explain the latter, the Buffalo shooter threatened to shoot up His HS, but for whatever reason, that info either wasn't, or can't be forwarded to NIC without violating HIPPA laws?

And I don't have a problem arming teachers, but no teacher can go from 0-60 from teaching their class, to taking on a crazed gunmen. Arming teachers is not a panacea.

No shooter gets in, nobody shoots...nobody shoots, nobody gets shot...nobody gets shot, nobody gets killed...those should be the basic objectives.
Several years ago, Palm Beach County changed all of the schools to a single secured entry point that you had to be let into with locked doors everywhere else that could be used in an emergency, to get to the track, etc. It's a very simple concept that requires a little retrofitting. And yes, the high school has a resource officer parked right out front.
So lock the kids down like prisoners , make them run active shooter drills and put paul blart on the door. No wonder we have mental issues.
That was in response to Parkland, right (legit asking)?

My frustration stems from it feels like the "door" suggestions are the new "police need more funding and training," which was the new "it's a mental health issue," which was the new "gun laws don't work."
They made it more strict after Parkland, but they had put a wrought iron gate in front of the breezeway before that. They did the same at the local high schools which used to be wide open.

I get it, but if it makes them more secure, it's worth it for a comparative small price that isn't controversial at all.
So lock the kids down like prisoners , make them run active shooter drills and put paul blart on the door. No wonder we have mental issues.
My middle school had a single point of entry in the 70's. It's not a big deal and Paul Blart is a trained LEO.
With all these different agencies, there sure are conflicting reports going around.

With this picture, I have a hard not believing that he was not being pursued before this. It sure does look like he crashed here and wasn't just parking in the ditch.


And if he was being pursued and crashed into a ditch, how do you let an untrained 110 pound kid with tactical gear, an AR, and all of that ammunition, get out of the car, climb a fence, run through an open field and enter the school when your police department is 1 minute away and Border Patrol Station 5 minutes away?

bv bvbv.JPG

And then the School District Security Officer "encountered" the kid but no shots fired? So he just let him enter the building?

And yet he "barricades" himself, errrrr, locks the door taking two adjoining classrooms. Then this is what the police do???...

“When the cops came, the cop said from outside the window: ‘Yell if you need help!’ And one of the persons in my class said ‘Help!’ The guy overheard and he came in and shot her,” the boy told KENS 5.

Then they say they couldn't get through "barricaded" door because it was locked and, they were waiting on a faculty member to get them a key? Seriously, wtf? A key?

So 40 minutes goes by, you have a half dozen agencies ,including special ops, search & rescue, SWAT (supposedly) - so 150 guys with ARs and tactical gear and they are just in the parking lot tackling and pepper spraying the parents

Meanwhile, an off-duty bortac guy just goes in solo, Rambo style and takes the guy out.

Awful. Tragic. Embarrassing. Unacceptable.
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I hope all of this happened after Ramos was neutralized...

Else those LEO protected and served the f outta those parents.
Crazy 90 minute elapsed between the first 911 call and Ramos getting ended.

'The bottom line is law enforcement was there,' McCraw said.

'They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.'

"It was a great success, we contained the fox in the chicken coop"
So lock the kids down like prisoners , make them run active shooter drills and put paul blart on the door. No wonder we have mental issues.

FWIW, my kids' elementary schools was designed like this (inside the building - outside is a different story). Single point of entry with two sets of locked doors and you had to go through the main office to go into the school. Side doors are all locked from the inside. My kids' middle school and even HS are similarly setup (with a couple points of entry but locked from the inside. Private schools, imo, have more gaps from what I've seen.
Several years ago, Palm Beach County changed all of the schools to a single secured entry point that you had to be let into with locked doors everywhere else that could be used in an emergency, to get to the track, etc. It's a very simple concept that requires a little retrofitting. And yes, the high school has a resource officer parked right out front.
Could you get something like this done for, say, under $40 billion?
Could you get something like this done for, say, under $40 billion?
I don't even know when it happened here, so I'd assume the spending of a large amount of money wasn't required.
My guess is the family unit is a big one people point to.

Because one man and one woman isnt the only family accepted by humans residing in America, the religious right is up in arms ready to break up more families. It is simply a talking point. Who in their right mind cares who sleeps with who?
Because one man and one woman isnt the only family accepted by humans residing in America, the religious right is up in arms ready to break up more families. It is simply a talking point. Who in their right mind cares who sleeps with who?
IMO, it's more about having a caring, involved parent than the quantity and composition.
I am talking about your posts attacking the wokesters. If you don't think that makes you part of the divide, then IDK what to tell you.
First off I‘ve never “ attacked” anyone . Second I can’t be part of the divide because i was raised to keep religion and politics in your home. Back then it was taboo to bring that up at work or around strangers. Now people have to let everyone know their beliefs , literally the first five minutes of having a conversation and then they need to know yours. Weirdos obsess over this stuff. Its to the point theres nothing in life you can do to separate yourself from it. There’s nowhere to run.

I have zero social media and have no desire to join that toxic world. So that’s another example of me having no part in the divide. I’m not one of the people going back 10-30 years trying to find tweets, interviews , stand up routines , movies , albums , books just to destroy somebody‘s life and end there way of making ends meat. Just to show how virtuous they are. Thats just how miserable those people are. That’s an “attack”. Just like a woke poster on here calling another poster a bigot for saying “ men shouldn’t compete in womens sports”. A common sense comment that years of basic biology agrees with. That’s why its always been frowned upon for men to hit women. We have a huge physical advantage.

I compare the wokes to the crazy Christian’s back in the 80’s when I was growing up. If you didn’t agree with their ideology or ways of thinking you were ostracized, censored , ridiculed and attacked. Just to show how virtuous they were and how low and morally bankrupt you were. That made me very jaded towards religion. The same thing is going on now. If you don’t agree with the woke mentality you’re attacked. Just like the female skateboarder who merely said it’s not fair competing against men. Then the woke cult and trans community came out and attacked her with thousands of horrible messages. From sexist on down to antisemitic. Now imagine the media coverage if another group did such a thing to a woman. Another example is Dave Chappelle’s friend Daphne , a trans comedian who defended Dave. She was attacked online by the wokes so bad she killed herself. Once again nobody cared about that.

So once again I’ve never “ attacked “ anyone, but I’ll never back tribalism regardless if it’s from Christian’s in the 80’s or wokesters now.