Off-Topic Mass killings

Can someone explain this to me?

America lost games 1 and 2 at home...followed it up with a game 3 loss on the road.

America needs to win 4 in a row to survive this round and advance to the next round against an opponent to be determined.

Those are difficult odds, but can America win 4 in a row? I do not know. What is your opinion on this topic?
Either will do just fine to prove that hand-guns have been much more efficient than '2 rounds a minute' for centuries.
Well Browning certainly wouldn't since he wasn't even born 200 years ago. which would have to be the case "for centuries".

I also never said centuries. I said the majority of the time we were in existence. We were colonized in 1565. Revolvers werent mass produced until 1835. The majority of the time 2 rounds a minute was about what we are looking at. When talking about your average person who would be doing school shootings in the those days. Not James Robinson.
Maybe it's time to go back and look at all the things we said weren't a problem. Video games, medication, isolation, media coverage, all of it.

There's a problem here and tge gun control issue is keeping it from being found. These people aren't well adjusted. If they didn't go on these rampages, what other destruction would they do? We need to find the root cause.
Maybe it's time to go back and look at all the things we said weren't a problem. Video games, medication, isolation, media coverage, all of it.

There's a problem here and tge gun control issue is keeping it from being found. These people aren't well adjusted. If they didn't go on these rampages, what other destruction would they do? We need to find the root cause.
If it was something like video games, media coverage, or medication. Then it would be likely that the entire planet was more violent than ever, but that is far from the case since this is close to the least violent time in the history of the planet.
Maybe it's time to go back and look at all the things we said weren't a problem. Video games, medication, isolation, media coverage, all of it.

There's a problem here and tge gun control issue is keeping it from being found. These people aren't well adjusted. If they didn't go on these rampages, what other destruction would they do? We need to find the root cause.

The John Wayne generation........cosplay this gun and you can be a hero too.
america finger GIF
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From yahoo article:

A number of the shooting victims are children of Customs and Border Patrol agents, law enforcement sources told ABC News.
I assume you’re really angry but this comes off as callous and unserious. It’s like using the definition of homeostasis to justify or demonize abortion. I know nobody here would do that.

I had to pull my car over I was crying so hard over Sandy Hook. I’ve never owned a gun, but I’m generally pro 2A. I’ve lived around insanely high “guns per capita” areas my whole life, all with considerably low violent crime rates. And yet, if children in an elementary school still cannot be protected from this horror ten years later, we do not live in a civilized world. We live at a buffet for murderous cosplayers.

There must be a way to seriously decrease these attacks. If there isn’t, probably for the first time in my life, Id be in favor of increasing gun restrictions in a way that would deter or eliminate these slaughters. (Or in public torturing of the predator to dispel the power fantasy these monsters are enacting.)

I know the issues with increasing “gun control” measures right out of the gate. Law breakers break laws, and areas with tighter restrictions do not necessarily have less gun violence. But what we are in the midst of, with mentally and spiritually destitute young men carrying out acts of war on helpless people, cannot be acceptable in modern civilization. There most be a way to decrease or eliminate these attacks, and I’m not smart enough to know what they are (aside from the torture).

I do not know what the solution is. I do not want gun rights to go away. I cannot say “look, society is broken so this stuff is going to happen” any longer. There has to be a smarter, more effective way to handle this. I know hundreds of gun owners and the only one whose ever committed an act of violence with his weapon did so in self defense.

I have multiple children in elementary school and my heart is shattered for these kids, these parents, the community. The classmates and best buddies that are gone forever, the parents who feel they have lost the very reason they exist, all while they were away. Harming the helpless is the most devious thing mankind can do. Helping them is among the most noble. There has to be a way to balance the scales.
Less guns in circulation = less guns in the hands of those that are not emotionally equipped to have them, at the expense of less guns in the hands of those that are.

More funding for schools to have professionals recognize psychological issues where kids are monitored for the most waking hours of their development = less missed chances for intervention, at the expense of the tax payer or the military budget.

There are plenty of countries without this problem being as extensive as it is here that are as advanced as we are, educated as we are, wealthy as we are. We are unwilling to touch guns, and we are unwilling to give up our money, so good luck.
Well Browning certainly wouldn't since he wasn't even born 200 years ago. which would have to be the case "for centuries".

I also never said centuries. I said the majority of the time we were in existence. We were colonized in 1565. Revolvers werent mass produced until 1835. The majority of the time 2 rounds a minute was about what we are looking at. When talking about your average person who would be doing school shootings in the those days. Not James Robinson.
The original colt repeaters are much closer to 2 centuries old than 1. But ignoring your insignificant gotchas we know that '2 shots a minute' hasn't been the norm for a long, long time; much longer than 'mass-shootings' have been a media-circus item. Which is the point. Semi-auto handguns and rifles are much, much older than the era of mass-shootings.
The majority of the time we had guns you could get off 2 rounds a minute if you were lucky. This is a ridiculous response. LMFAO at 80% of the country having PTSD as well.

thank you for the response, it offered zero zilch nothing to none of us. I'm sure we had psycho's back then that thought "well **** it only shoots 2 bullets a minute, guess I better use a hack saw..."

you live in a bubble wrap if i've ever seen one
There are plenty of countries without this problem being as extensive as it is here that are as advanced as we are, educated as we are, wealthy as we are. We are unwilling to touch guns, and we are unwilling to give up our money, so good luck.
Very true. But how many of those countries have constitutionally guaranteed gun-rights? How many of those countries have a melting-pot of cultures systemically pitted against each other?

We literally have a process to amend the CONUS and BoR if deemed necessary. Maybe we should push for a constitutional convention...
Very true. But how many of those countries have constitutionally guaranteed gun-rights? How many of those countries have a melting-pot of cultures systemically pitted against each other?

We literally have a process to amend the CONUS and BoR if deemed necessary. Maybe we should push for a constitutional convention...

you're arguing with people that don't want ideas, they want their agenda followed through with.

the mere idea of banning guns is laughable, the amount of people that would get shot trying to take every single person's weapon away would fill 10000000000000000000 years of mass shootings at their current rate. Not to mention if people haven't noticed we have an open border at our south and the cartels would double their income on supplying weapons instead of drugs. It's so **** stupid on so many levels it's not even worth entertaining.

like these people can't make pipe bombs, what else are these numb nuts gonna do ban knives too?

how about better questions like how the **** did he get in there, where the **** was the security etc.
Confiscation would be virtually impossible.
Not immediately but it could potentially be done over time. Another challenge if guns were to be outlawed outright would be to prevent illegal importing of guns and 3D printing of weapons domestically,
thank you for the response, it offered zero zilch nothing to none of us. I'm sure we had psycho's back then that thought "well **** it only shoots 2 bullets a minute, guess I better use a hack saw..."

you live in a bubble wrap if i've ever seen one
My memory is probably fading... but the NFA act in the 30's made full-auto weapons require a tax-stamp. Under Reagan - FOPA was unscrupulously passed and banned the import/sale of new automatic rifles to law-abiding Americans. To that point automatic rifle deaths in the US were absolutely negligible... mob/mafia/gangster violence if any.

It's really time for all sides to just lay out their demands.... gun violence in America will never stop until all guns are outlawed and confiscated... period.
Oh I found it and you were definitely the only one that thought it was dumb. That speaks to you being a racist 🤡 for sure
“The white conservatives aren't friends of the ***** either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the ***** always aware of where he stands with them.” — Malcom X.

I mostly agree with both quotes. I much prefer a racist to just say they are racist instead of pretending they want to argue “facts”.

There was your post I thought was dumb. So, someone disagrees with what you present as “facts” which is actually your opinion that makes them racist. I consider that dumb.

I consider your incessant need to instill identity politics in every post as dumb along with a few others doing the same thing in this thread. Typically the ones shouting racism the loudest are projecting their own hatred of others.

Back to the topic. It’s not the guns fault. It’s not one specific race causing the issue. We have a serious mental health issue in the country and also too many absent parents not doing their job teaching their children good morals.
thank you for the response, it offered zero zilch nothing to none of us. I'm sure we had psycho's back then that thought "well **** it only shoots 2 bullets a minute, guess I better use a hack saw..."

you live in a bubble wrap if i've ever seen one
I live in bubble wrap? You are the one that complains about getting tired after eating lunch, while driving a golf cart around all day. You are as big a snowflake as I have ever seen. You also just proved every ones point. They weren't doing mass shootings because they were incapable of it.