Off-Topic Mass killings

Most rational people will agree that given the preponderance of firearms and other destructive armaments in our nation, gun restrictions or changing the second amendment won’t be effective in preventing such violence.

On the other hand, if Congress can make some exceptions to the 8th amendment (mass murder of innocent children for example) regarding cruel and unusual punishment… then we have a chance to curb this crime.

Also, these attacks always remind me of the following inspiration to humanity…

Umm. no. You think adding in cruel and unusual punishment is magically going to stop these shootings? Most of these guys kill themselves before the cops get them anyway. All that would do is ensure all of them commit suicide before getting caught.
Slightly off topic, but you also NEVER run from a bear. Black bear(not necessarily the color) you stand your ground and try to scare away. The cop probably knew that and that is most likely the type of bear your relative was dealing with. Brown bears(again not based off color) are the ones you play dead with, but if it was that close the cop would have probably already shot it. And the polar bear you shoot as soon as it even looks your direction, because they will sneak up on you and kill your *** no question, so I doubt it was a PB since the cop wouldn't have gotten into a standoff with it.

You can't out run any of them and running up a tree is just made up for movies.

But ya you are right, its not even just the training but the experience. You have the tactical larpers with 20 years of training, that pay for the best training all around the world. Flying to Isreal to get 22 CCW training. Traveling to thunder ranch for shotgun, etc. but the first shootout they get into they freeze and schit themselves and they will get killed in a shootout with a 20 year old marine who has been deployed for 3 months. Purely because he has the experience of being on a 2 way range.
It was a black bear and he knows not to run. His point was about instinct and treating the gun like the tool that it is. They both had shotguns with 00 buckshot. All they would've done is give it a Great Outdoors haircut.
It was a black bear and he knows not to run. His point was about instinct and treating the gun like the tool that it is. They both had shotguns with 00 buckshot. All they would've done is give it a Great Outdoors haircut.
Oh ok. But ya it also shows even if you know to stand your ground, when the giant bear charges at you instincts take over and you back up lol. Ya the 00 was a bad move, but realistically black bears are pussies and would have ran away if it got tagged with that. Bear hunters do use slugs though. I have dealt with a lot of bears because I go trail running outside of NYC pretty often and I pass a ton of black bears. Especially now with Covid. The bear population is booming over here.

LMAO at GO haircut. I never heard that before, but that is a good one.
There is no remedy Pro and Anti-Gun peoples. We have saturated our civilized, NOT, country with guns, created psychos with racist, political and religious rhetoric to the affect of Mass Killings. It will come to you one day, just like it has for thousands of other Americans. Good Luck.
Oh ok. But ya it also shows even if you know to stand your ground, when the giant bear charges at you instincts take over and you back up lol. Ya the 00 was a bad move, but realistically black bears are pussies and would have ran away if it got tagged with that. Bear hunters do use slugs though. I have dealt with a lot of bears because I go trail running outside of NYC pretty often and I pass a ton of black bears. Especially now with Covid. The bear population is booming over here.

LMAO at GO haircut. I never heard that before, but that is a good one.
I just read that a 12 yr old was bitten in a tent while camping. He wasn't seriously hurt, but still, at least gators stay in the water.
I just read that a 12 yr old was bitten in a tent while camping. He wasn't seriously hurt, but still, at least gators stay in the water.
IIRC black bears kill like 1 person every other year or something. So it really isn't something to worry about. I am not even kidding when I say if you throw your hands up and tell it get the fvck away. They sprint away(at like 30mph lol). but ya in all my time at Miami I never saw a Gator once, so they are even less of an issue lol.
There is no remedy Pro and Anti-Gun peoples. We have saturated our civilized, NOT, country with guns, created psychos with racist, political and religious rhetoric to the affect of Mass Killings. It will come to you one day, just like it has for thousands of other Americans. Good Luck.
It probably won't come to you one day. karma is BS. There are tons of scumbags that die of old age each year.
Umm. no. You think adding in cruel and unusual punishment is magically going to stop these shootings? Most of these guys kill themselves before the cops get them anyway. All that would do is ensure all of them commit suicide before getting caught.
That’s my initial irrational response to an emotionally charged problem. Nothing is going to “magically” stop these destructive acts… unless you believe in magic.

However, their frequency and destructiveness can be modulated in the long term by significant, nuanced, complex and expensive socioeconomic, behavioral health, and legislative reforms.

As it stands, it’s much easier for the leaders of our society to fight over relatively non-efficacious short term remedies using the carrot or the stick. Furthermore, this impasse is a direct result of the lack of patience and long term thinking of their constituents (us).

Still… at the current, immediate, emotional juncture, I irrationally favor a bigger and sharper stick… perhaps Lucille.
That’s my initial irrational response to an emotionally charged problem. Nothing is going to “magically” stop these destructive acts… unless you believe in magic.

However, their frequency and destructiveness can be modulated in the long term by significant, nuanced, complex and expensive socioeconomic, behavioral health, and legislative reforms.

As it stands, it’s much easier for the leaders of our society to fight over relatively non-efficacious short term remedies using the carrot or the stick. Furthermore, this impasse is a direct result of the lack of patience and long term thinking of their constituents (us).

Still… at the current, immediate, emotional juncture, I irrationally favor a bigger and sharper stick… perhaps Lucy.
While I agree with your long term plan. I don't see the short term plan doing anything, but creating a slippery slop and appeasing the blood thirsty "tough on crime" segment of the population.
Parent's burying their young children is a tragic event - something my parents dealt with. Whether drugs, accident, disease or violence it's unimaginable. But an emotional state is not state to be dictating rational policy. Lets be real - there are NO 'gun-control' solutions to gun violence in America outside of banning and confiscation.
issue has nothing to do with guns, we had guns for hundreds of hundreds of years and never had mass shootings.

the issue is society itself, people are psychologically spent. I wouldn't be surprised if 4 out of 5 people have some form of PTSD. Getting rid of each and every single gun in itself isn't even plausible anyway, good luck with that.
In a country such as ours with over 300M in population, there’s inevitably a significant number of nut jobs/mental defectives or whatever one wants to call those with some mental disorder. It’s virtually impossible to identify them all.

It’s a well known fact that there are literally millions of guns in circulation throughout the country both legal and illegal. It’s virtually impossible to track/trace them all thus removing even a small portion is not feasible.

I do believe that the 24/7 media coverage encourages those who wish to do others harm to carry out their impulses. The constant, uber detailed media coverage won’t stop anytime soon either.

There are certainly other contributing factors too numerous to list. It’s sad and frustrating that we continually hear of these mass shootings. I have no solutions to offer as I am but a bug on a windshield but I would suggest that we control what we can control and hope for the best.
issue has nothing to do with guns, we had guns for hundreds of hundreds of years and never had mass shootings.

the issue is society itself, people are psychologically spent. I wouldn't be surprised if 4 out of 5 people have some form of PTSD. Getting rid of each and every single gun in itself isn't even plausible anyway, good luck with that.
The majority of the time we had guns you could get off 2 rounds a minute if you were lucky. This is a ridiculous response. LMFAO at 80% of the country having PTSD as well.
Parent's burying their young children is a tragic event - something my parents dealt with. Whether drugs, accident, disease or violence it's unimaginable. But an emotional state is not state to be dictating rational policy. Lets be real - there are NO 'gun-control' solutions to gun violence in America outside of banning and confiscation.
Confiscation would be virtually impossible.
issue has nothing to do with guns, we had guns for hundreds of hundreds of years and never had mass shootings.

the issue is society itself, people are psychologically spent. I wouldn't be surprised if 4 out of 5 people have some form of PTSD. Getting rid of each and every single gun in itself isn't even plausible anyway, good luck with that.
I don’t think 80% of the population has PTSD but I’d venture to say there’s a lot of people stressed to the max for any number of mostly self inflicted reasons. Covid was a recent contributor but many people were stressed well before the virus raised it’s ugly head.