Off-Topic Mass killings

We can’t even agree on background checks that would reveal if a person has mental or violent issues.
Nothing will happen.
How long before texas suggest arming children?
More guns more defenders yeeeeehaw
I assume you’re really angry but this comes off as callous and unserious. It’s like using the definition of homeostasis to justify or demonize abortion. I know nobody here would do that.

I had to pull my car over I was crying so hard over Sandy Hook. I’ve never owned a gun, but I’m generally pro 2A. I’ve lived around insanely high “guns per capita” areas my whole life, all with considerably low violent crime rates. And yet, if children in an elementary school still cannot be protected from this horror ten years later, we do not live in a civilized world. We live at a buffet for murderous cosplayers.

There must be a way to seriously decrease these attacks. If there isn’t, probably for the first time in my life, Id be in favor of increasing gun restrictions in a way that would deter or eliminate these slaughters. (Or in public torturing of the predator to dispel the power fantasy these monsters are enacting.)

I know the issues with increasing “gun control” measures right out of the gate. Law breakers break laws, and areas with tighter restrictions do not necessarily have less gun violence. But what we are in the midst of, with mentally and spiritually destitute young men carrying out acts of war on helpless people, cannot be acceptable in modern civilization. There most be a way to decrease or eliminate these attacks, and I’m not smart enough to know what they are (aside from the torture).

I do not know what the solution is. I do not want gun rights to go away. I cannot say “look, society is broken so this stuff is going to happen” any longer. There has to be a smarter, more effective way to handle this. I know hundreds of gun owners and the only one whose ever committed an act of violence with his weapon did so in self defense.

I have multiple children in elementary school and my heart is shattered for these kids, these parents, the community. The classmates and best buddies that are gone forever, the parents who feel they have lost the very reason they exist, all while they were away. Harming the helpless is the most devious thing mankind can do. Helping them is among the most noble. There has to be a way to balance the scales.
I assume you’re really angry but this comes off as callous and unserious. It’s like using the definition of homeostasis to justify or demonize abortion. I know nobody here would do that.

I had to pull my car over I was crying so hard over Sandy Hook. I’ve never owned a gun, but I’m generally pro 2A. I’ve lived around insanely high “guns per capita” areas my whole life, all with considerably low violent crime rates. And yet, if children in an elementary school still cannot be protected from this horror ten years later, we do not live in a civilized world. We live at a buffet for murderous cosplayers.

There must be a way to seriously decrease these attacks. If there isn’t, probably for the first time in my life, Id be in favor of increasing gun restrictions in a way that would deter or eliminate these slaughters. (Or in public torturing of the predator to dispel the power fantasy these monsters are enacting.)

I know the issues with increasing “gun control” measures right out of the gate. Law breakers break laws, and areas with tighter restrictions do not necessarily have less gun violence. But what we are in the midst of, with mentally and spiritually destitute young men carrying out acts of war on helpless people, cannot be acceptable in modern civilization. There most be a way to decrease or eliminate these attacks, and I’m not smart enough to know what they are (aside from the torture).

I do not know what the solution is. I do not want gun rights to go away. I cannot say “look, society is broken so this stuff is going to happen” any longer. There has to be a smarter, more effective way to handle this. I know hundreds of gun owners and the only one whose ever committed an act of violence with his weapon did so in self defense.

I have multiple children in elementary school and my heart is shattered for these kids, these parents, the community. The classmates and best buddies that are gone forever, the parents who feel they have lost the very reason they exist, all while they were away. Harming the helpless is the most devious thing mankind can do. Helping them is among the most noble. There has to be a way to balance the scales.
I've been trying to get these points across and you did a much better job than I have
Exactly why people should be allowed to legally own guns. Guns are not going away.
Did I say they would? I go to the range on a regular basis. Have taken courses at gunsite, thunder ranch, rogers shooting school, academi, sig sauer academy, insight, universal shooting academy, etc.

But how is legally owning guns going to save under 16 year olds? They can't buy legal guns anyway. not to mention everyone says "but chicago has strict laws this proves it doesn't work" which is total BS, because illinois is right next to states with easy access to guns. Its like making weed illegal in a town that borders Colorado, of course they are going to have no problem getting weed.
I think most people agree with your analysis. That a lot of these kids are essentially copy cat killers or do it because they want to be seen on TV or go down in infamy. etc.

There’s also got to be something going on upstairs that is hard for me and even for professionals to understand.

Although it’s murder and I don’t agree with it, a lot of murders while heinous, can sometimes at least be understandable to most people in the sense that, they are revenge murders for someone you loved, or murders regarding territory or money, horrible things, but things that as human beings all of us have had disputes about, although we didn’t end up murdering anyone.

These recent ones are really sick and are the ones that are just so hard to comprehend.
Maybe you can go dig up whatever message you’re referring to. I think you’re mistaken. I’m not the one bringing it up every post. I believe that speaks more about yourself than me. Get a new gimmick.
Oh I found it and you were definitely the only one that thought it was dumb. That speaks to you being a racist 🤡 for sure
There’s also got to be something going on upstairs that is hard for me and even for professionals to understand.

Although it’s murder and I don’t agree with it, a lot of murders while heinous, can sometimes at least be understandable to most people in the sense that, they are revenge murders for someone you loved, or murders regarding territory or money, horrible things, but things that as human beings all of us have had disputes about, although we didn’t end up murdering anyone.

These recent ones are really sick and are the ones that are just so hard to comprehend.
Yup exactly. You hit the nail on the head. Most of them get some sort of benefit from it. Even the kid in buffalo. Racial killing. Those have been going on since (speculatively) even before Homo sapiens were killing Neanderthals for looking different, but most of these recent school shootings are just incomprehensible.
A good guy with an AR-15?
The thing is, most of the "good guys" are fat slobs that do the absolute minimal with their training that are more likely to have a heart attack in this situation than actually take out a shooter. There is a HUGE difference between. Your alarm going off, in your house where you know, it like the back of your hand and have a minute or so to ready yourself and calm yourself down for the attacker who doesn't know the layoutof your house.

And being in a shopping mall, where the attacker knows the layout better than them and they are, totally unaware when bullets start flying. 99/100 times these guys are going to panic and not be able to get off good return fire, before getting taken out.
There’s also got to be something going on upstairs that is hard for me and even for professionals to understand.

Although it’s murder and I don’t agree with it, a lot of murders while heinous, can sometimes at least be understandable to most people in the sense that, they are revenge murders for someone you loved, or murders regarding territory or money, horrible things, but things that as human beings all of us have had disputes about, although we didn’t end up murdering anyone.

These recent ones are really sick and are the ones that are just so hard to comprehend.

If you're referring to places like Chicago, I don't understand those either. To me, although the motives are different, I see no difference in shooting into a crowd indiscriminately just to get 1 or 2 targets, and doing what that racist did in Buffalo, both are sick.
The thing is, most of the "good guys" are fat slobs that do the absolute minimal with their training that are more likely to have a heart attack in this situation than actually take out a shooter. There is a HUGE difference between. Your alarm going off, in your house where you know, it like the back of your hand and have a minute or so to ready yourself and calm yourself down for the attacker who doesn't know the layoutof your house.

And being in a shopping mall, where the attacker knows the layout better than them and they are, totally unaware when bullets start flying. 99/100 times these guys are going to panic and not be able to get off good return fire, before getting taken out.
I have a relative who had an issue with a bear on his property trying to get in his chicken coop. He had the cops over and both he and they had a shotgun in hand. As they were trying to scare it off with the siren and horn, at one point it got up and charged abut 5 feet closer to them. He said his first instinct was to run and he took a step backwards while the cop shouldered his shotgun. That right there is the difference between a sport shooter and someone trained to respond.
I assume you’re really angry but this comes off as callous and unserious. It’s like using the definition of homeostasis to justify or demonize abortion. I know nobody here would do that.

I had to pull my car over I was crying so hard over Sandy Hook. I’ve never owned a gun, but I’m generally pro 2A. I’ve lived around insanely high “guns per capita” areas my whole life, all with considerably low violent crime rates. And yet, if children in an elementary school still cannot be protected from this horror ten years later, we do not live in a civilized world. We live at a buffet for murderous cosplayers.

There must be a way to seriously decrease these attacks. If there isn’t, probably for the first time in my life, Id be in favor of increasing gun restrictions in a way that would deter or eliminate these slaughters. (Or in public torturing of the predator to dispel the power fantasy these monsters are enacting.)

I know the issues with increasing “gun control” measures right out of the gate. Law breakers break laws, and areas with tighter restrictions do not necessarily have less gun violence. But what we are in the midst of, with mentally and spiritually destitute young men carrying out acts of war on helpless people, cannot be acceptable in modern civilization. There most be a way to decrease or eliminate these attacks, and I’m not smart enough to know what they are (aside from the torture).

I do not know what the solution is. I do not want gun rights to go away. I cannot say “look, society is broken so this stuff is going to happen” any longer. There has to be a smarter, more effective way to handle this. I know hundreds of gun owners and the only one whose ever committed an act of violence with his weapon did so in self defense.

I have multiple children in elementary school and my heart is shattered for these kids, these parents, the community. The classmates and best buddies that are gone forever, the parents who feel they have lost the very reason they exist, all while they were away. Harming the helpless is the most devious thing mankind can do. Helping them is among the most noble. There has to be a way to balance the scales.

If there were only dozens of first world countries doing an exceptionally better job at this than us. Gun ownership is right but an extraordinary responsibility that should require training, proper storage requirements, registration, background checks at all levels of sales, increased penalties for improper ownership/handling. Otherwise we're on a path of proliferation that will require armed guards on every gathering spot and the majority of the population carrying weapons like some ******* third world country.
Most rational people will agree that given the preponderance of firearms and other destructive armaments in our nation, gun restrictions or changing the second amendment won’t be effective in preventing such violence.

On the other hand, if Congress can make some exceptions to the 8th amendment (mass murder of innocent children for example) regarding cruel and unusual punishment… then we have a chance to curb this crime.

Also, these attacks always remind me of the following inspiration to humanity…

I have a relative who had an issue with a bear on his property trying to get in his chicken coop. He had the cops over and both he and they had a shotgun in hand. As they were trying to scare it off with the siren and horn, at one point it got up and charged abut 5 feet closer to them. He said his first instinct was to run and he took a step backwards while the cop shouldered his shotgun. That right there is the difference between a sport shooter and someone trained to respond.
Slightly off topic, but you also NEVER run from a bear. Black bear(not necessarily the color) you stand your ground and try to scare away. The cop probably knew that and that is most likely the type of bear your relative was dealing with. Brown bears(again not based off color) are the ones you play dead with, but if it was that close the cop would have probably already shot it. And the polar bear you shoot as soon as it even looks your direction, because they will sneak up on you and kill your *** no question, so I doubt it was a PB since the cop wouldn't have gotten into a standoff with it.

You can't out run any of them and running up a tree is just made up for movies.

But ya you are right, its not even just the training but the experience. You have the tactical larpers with 20 years of training, that pay for the best training all around the world. Flying to Isreal to get 22 CCW training. Traveling to thunder ranch for shotgun, etc. but the first shootout they get into they freeze and schit themselves and they will get killed in a shootout with a 20 year old marine who has been deployed for 3 months. Purely because he has the experience of being on a 2 way range.