Off-Topic Mass killings


Yet Cruz's dumb *** thinks "one point of entry" is an actual solution, when the real problem seemed to be faulty door locks.
Single point of entry is ABSOLUTELY part of the solution.

ANYONE, who knows ANYTHING abour force protection will agree.

You are welcome.
Others could use that flow chart above to map how abortion bounties would work in Texas. Just change a word here and there. In both cases, theme is "rights" being trampled.
Despite McCarthy and Scalise deciding to "whip" against the Senate GC proposal, "one GOP lawmaker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide a frank assessment of Republican deliberations, predicted that 10 to 15 House Republicans will defect and vote in favor of the bill, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act." On the Senate side, it cleared a procedural hurdle.

IMO, this bill is pitiful. Hardly worth the bother.
Single point of entry is ABSOLUTELY part of the solution.

ANYONE, who knows ANYTHING abour force protection will agree.

You are welcome.

Most to all schools are single point of entry after the bell rings. Before the bell rings it depends on the school size. I went to Central, trying to bottleneck 2K plus kids through a single point of entry would've been a disastrous cluster-*******. Cruz is a dolt.
Most to all schools are single point of entry after the bell rings. Before the bell rings it depends on the school size. I went to Central, trying to bottleneck 2K plus kids through a single point of entry would've been a disastrous cluster-*******. Cruz is a dolt.
Airports process 2K per second. Its all in how you structure it. The changes can be made where taken as a whole, meaningful upgraded protection is realized.
Yet Cruz's dumb *** thinks "one point of entry" is an actual solution, when the real problem seemed to be faulty door locks.

This is a joke right? The real problem is faulty door locks? Not assault rifles with extended mags that are so scary trained police would not even enter the classroom to detain or kill the gunman?

Okay sure.
All this does is stops people from having to prove a need to CC. It's only going to impact the May Issue states. For the record, I'm in favor of Shall Issue over Constitutional Carry. I'm also in favor of universal reciprocity.
