Mark Pope Contemplating A Transfer To UF.....

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Manny Diaz isn’t going to make it to signing day. More players are transferring. This has become a mess. The BOT is going to step in and blow it up
I wish you were right, but half of the BOT doesn't care about the football team, so I am afraid this is doubtful.
Let them go.... get rid of the guys that need that pout because they can't be "given" playing time never amount to much beyond guys who end up training 9/ 10 year olds on footwork and making constant social media posts about god directing their steps and.......drip lmao
Some schools just take winning more serious than others!

Saw this on Inside U site---Article there on the Board of Trustees and er Lemonis--posters chime din on one board ember allegedly a supporter of Diaz--

He was formerly in the car business--Anthony Abraham Chevrolet---think he knows the Diaz's?

1996 Florida House campaign[edit]
"Lemonis, appearing on the ballot as Marc Anthony Lemonis, lost to two-term Republican incumbent Bruno Barreiro, 42.44 percent to 57.56 percent,[3] despite being endorsed by the Miami Herald. "Lemonis worked for his grandfather's car dealership in South Florida, Anthony Abraham Chevrolet."

How much he is connected to the U is open for debate as he does not live in the area--"Marcus Lemonis married Roberta "Bobbi" Raffel in 2018,[36] and lives in Lake Forest, Illinois."

In addition American Football is probably not the national pastime in his home country-- Lemonis was born as Ricardo in Beirut, Lebanon
Let the weak links go. Both of them haven't done **** to earn that 5 star by there names.
Saw this on Inside U site---Article there on the Board of Trustees and er Lemonis--posters chime din on one board ember allegedly a supporter of Diaz--

He was formerly in the car business--Anthony Abraham Chevrolet---think he knows the Diaz's?

1996 Florida House campaign[edit]
"Lemonis, appearing on the ballot as Marc Anthony Lemonis, lost to two-term Republican incumbent Bruno Barreiro, 42.44 percent to 57.56 percent,[3] despite being endorsed by the Miami Herald. "Lemonis worked for his grandfather's car dealership in South Florida, Anthony Abraham Chevrolet."

How much he is connected to the U is open for debate as he does not live in the area--"Marcus Lemonis married Roberta "Bobbi" Raffel in 2018,[36] and lives in Lake Forest, Illinois."

In addition American Football is probably not the national pastime in his home country-- Lemonis was born as Ricardo in Beirut, Lebanon
Very intersting
Read that Lo Lingard to UF has been a done deal for a few weeks. Now I'm hearing that Pope is considering entering the portal to essentially follow Lingard to UF. What the **** is going on?! Are UF coaches actively recruiting players that are on our team? Is that a violation?
Pope is a bum to me!!! A lot of yall tried to stan for the chump.. please transfer pope you bum... take that stiff dude w you🦍⚫⚫
Where’s cam Harris when you need him?

There’s no point in reading into that, a bunch of our players Brevin Jordan, Harley, deejay Dallas, greg Rousseau and others are wishing him well too, so why is pope singled out? Literally means nothing
Funny how all our fans are mad at the young men for trying to get to a program that’s serious about winning. As an alum years ago when I thought we were just going through a tough time would say “you either with us or against us” but our school is not serious about winning and I can’t support this participation we don’t care about winning attitude!!
Who actually thinks it is not going to get worse before it gets better at this moment in time?
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