Mario vs Utah Round 2

Yall about to watch Mario's Oregon team look like a Manny coached Miami team.. If he gets beat I hope he takes the money at Oregon. Kiffin said yes too and is the hotter commodity
I was just thinking that they look very similar to us
If Oregon gets beat by Utah running what they running..then it’s just a bad matchup tbh. It’s not as simple as “scheme
I told people before their first game that this is a matchup problem for Oregon.
Thats giving him too much credit.
Y’all gotta look at what he’s being asked to run..Oregon’s offensive scheme and philosophy is not/has not been very good. The kid does what he’s asked pretty **** efficiently
This can’t be the best QB they have….
They have two 4-star TF QB’s Ty Thompson & Jay Butterfield on the bench.

But for some reason they bet their playoff chances & the house on Ant Brown this year.
Agree to disagree; and Oregon is not Nike’s flagship school. They are paid way less than Michigan, OSU, UT, and when Bama renew their contract, Alabama.

And for the record, ESPN 150 did a special on y Oregon go w/ elaborate uniforms, it’s b/c kids love them & they had no choice but to go big & flashy to attract kids b/c they don’t have a natural recruiting area.
So Phil Knight, the owner of Nike, isn't their biggest booster?

Michigan, OSU, UT and Alabama roll out a different uniform every week?

I will die on this hill.