Mario is a problem on Offense Mopes get in here.

“Run the clock out?” Dawson replied. “I’m trying to end this motherf—– right here. If they match up, we’re gonna throw the vertical.”
blade GIF
The running clock rule also helps Mario. The prior clock rules put an emphasis on scoring and passing and tempo. With the new rules, you still need to pass the ball, but the scales have been shifted where running the ball and defense has a bigger role than it did last year. I think Mario likely still feels a little out of place with the super fast tempo, pass heavy offenses of years past; but with these new rules he's squarely in the majority.
I think you are exaggerting the impact of the rule change. Minimal impact on game length so far. Can't imagine anyone shifting basic philosophies because of this rule change.
I think you are exaggerting the impact of the rule change. Minimal impact on game length so far. Can't imagine anyone shifting basic philosophies because of this rule change.
I'm not talking about game length. I'm talking about offensive plays. It seems to me that offensive plays are down. Obviously, still a small sample size 3 weeks in but I've watched several games where it seems that teams have slowed down a little.
Disclaimer, I am the opposite of a mope.maybe even a slurper.. but to play Devils (Mopers) Advocate, I am surprised none of them have asked to hear the recording of this sideline conversation 😂 lol

Some of them must come and claim this is fabricated.
I think you are exaggerting the impact of the rule change. Minimal impact on game length so far. Can't imagine anyone shifting basic philosophies because of this rule change.
Average plays per game in FBS are down form 68.5 to 66.4 per team because of the running clock. so we're talking about 4-5 fewer overall plays per game through three weeks. The average game time increased from 3:27 to 3:28. Less actual football, more commercials.
Just me but it hasn’t been mopey lately
Moping is finding negativity when there isnt any to find, not pointing out negativity when it is there, but others don't want to hear it...

Slurping... always seeing the glass is half full, even when it is filled with ****.

Bully slurping is serving the **** to others and getting mad when they won't drink it... because it's ****...

We are 3-0. Looked solid doing it, with room to improve and heal up.

What is there to be negative about heading into Temple?

OP is moping about mopes…