LSU - Gaytors

Yup. I hate it but it’s a fact. I’ve said it before. When Franks went down he adapted to what Trask can do. He didn’t keep pushing a square peg into a round hole.
He hired this(it’s not all bad) . But he Could have went full blown spread smh
Weird thing is what he initially described and sold as our offense and being attacking and having pace vs. what we have seen. There has been such a disconnect between the two. I have no idea if he was talking nonsense, sold a false bill of goods, or for whatever reason it changed when Enos got in and saw what we were working with.
Weird thing is what he initially described and sold as our offense and being attacking and having pace vs. what we have seen. There has been such a disconnect between the two. I have no idea if he was talking nonsense, sold a false bill of goods, or for whatever reason it changed when Enos got in and saw what we were working with.
I don’t think it changed because Enos saw what we were working with. If that was the case he would’ve gone full spread fast.
I don’t know that I like how Mullet brings in Jones and pulls Trask.