Lorenzo Lingard

Kid just clowned and shamed a bunch of adults.

Y’all been had by a 19 year old.

SMFH at the amount of stalking grown men do of college kids.

Grown men had timers set for 9pm to see what a college kid had to say. Would have been stoked if it was something positive but think it's fuggin hilarious none-the-less.
Got eeeeeeeem.

What is the problem here? He said 9 but didn't specify time zone. It's 9 PM Pacific Standard Time people!!! :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg:
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Grown men had timers set for 9pm to see what a college kid had to say. Would have been stoked if it was something positive but think it's fuggin hilarious none-the-less.

I didnt set a timer. I'm just so old, I take regular sh*ts at 9pm, so I was up anyway.
Says the guy with 10k+ posts.

I must have hit one of your girly nerves and you must be one of those pathetic losers that tweets at kids.

btw, are you a short-bus rider? What does the number of posts have to do with going @ players? Nothing. But you’re so prolapsed out you’re just flailing about grasping at straws. Jesus, go back to your shine stand, punk.