Look to the Transfer Portal: Discussion thread


2nd to last line is all that was needed, someone get this kid fitted for a jersey & helmet. Let’s ride!!

Mario getting sent this bio

Animated GIF
I’m not “talking like” anything. I know exactly what happened and no one on this board knows more about what goes on at that program than myself. You are “talking like” he punched an assistant coach. He got into it with a staffer who was a failed NFL player who had nothing else to do so he went back to Bama and got a job in “player development” like they do every other failed NFL player. His main job is to make sure players are in class and waking up on time so miss me with that. If the kid was like that, he’d still be there and Josh Chapman would be gone or they would at least made them bury the hatchet and keep it moving.

"no one on this board knows more about what goes on at that program than myself"

How come?
Some interesting names out of the G5 schools. Some of these guys are players who started there, have grown, improved, and have really "outgrown" their conference. I almost think of it like the minor leagues for the P5 schools. Some of these kids will get drafted or will make an NFL team if they stay where they are. Some could just be value adds for teams like Miami. You look at guys, for ex, like Owen Porter, highly productive DE out of Marshall. He knows Guidry and is a high character guy. Reddy Steward out of Troy. He's the best DB in the conference and fits in as a field corner. Depending on supply and demand, there are even QBs out there like Grayson McCall- 6'3 220, POY in the Sun Belt x 3 years. A guy who is super productive, very efficient, low turnovers, high completion percentage. Every year the best guys from those team get drafted or make a roster. Some of these dudes could be real impact guys at the P5 college level. I like some of these guys. They usually have a chip and strong work ethic. I hope Mario and co are looking and thinking outside the usual box while trying to solve for the gaps we have based on what we are trying to do schematically.
I’m not “talking like” anything. I know exactly what happened and no one on this board knows more about what goes on at that program than myself. You are “talking like” he punched an assistant coach. He got into it with a staffer who was a failed NFL player who had nothing else to do so he went back to Bama and got a job in “player development” like they do every other failed NFL player. His main job is to make sure players are in class and waking up on time so miss me with that. If the kid was like that, he’d still be there and Josh Chapman would be gone or they would at least made them bury the hatchet and keep it moving.
Kidd - is the story true that Saban asked “where’s Dan” or was more like “Did those dumb ******** in Miami fall for the false intel and take Dan yet so I don’t have to fire him.”

Please confirm! 😂