Everyone affiliated with the OSU program is trying to save Urban from getting fired. They are trying to control the narrative but national reporters like Brett McMurphy do their research before dropping bombs. Every shot they throw from Columbus he throwing 2 back. This will only get uglier for OSU.
It could be a Humpty-Dumpty scenario for Urban
Despite his success, Urban is generally unwelcomed anywhere he's been. He leaves a trail of **** behind him that would fertilize a desert. Ohio Taint will be no different.
Fck that fake jailhouse toughguy “snitches get stitches” bullshyt. No such thing as snitching when it comes to beating women or fcking with kids. Their lowlife behavior trumps any snitch horseshyt.


According to this brain dead code of ethics turning in proven child rapists is snitching too. SMFH
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According to this brain dead code of ethics turning in proven child rapists is snitching too. SMFH
Bunch of dumb facquits who grew up listening to rap music and think they’re “street” because of it.

They just spew goofy jailhouse lingo and cliches to appear dialed in. They probably think Monkey Boy Schiano is a hero for opting to jerk off in the corner of the locker room while Slambuttsky hamslammed 10 year old kids with bad haircuts instead of shutting him down.
If your buddy steals a candy bar and the cop asks if you saw anything, it's cool to keep your mouth shut. If your buddy has made a habit of punching his pregnant girlfriend, it might be time to rethink who you call a friend.
Bunch of dumb facquits who grew up listening to rap music and think they’re “street” because of it.

They just spew goofy jailhouse lingo and cliches to appear dialed in. They probably think Monkey Boy Schiano is a hero for opting to jerk off in the corner of the locker room while Slambuttsky hamslammed 10 year old kids with bad haircuts instead of shutting him down.

No, no, no, that's not how it works.

Kirby was a Saban assistant. Therefore, Kirby needs to take down Saban just like Herman is taking down his former boss.
Agree completely. It is the way of the Sith! There can only be two and the apprentice must take down/kill the master. Herman is doing his part now and we can only hope Kirby steps up someday. Lol
So this thread is gheyer than us getting oiled up, rolling around on plastic mats, pulling each other’s singlets aside, and having anal ***? I feel better now about mat drills.

Holy sht, that's what "mat drills" are? WTF?!

I figured you were just blowing each other or like hand jobs or something.
So this thread is gheyer than us getting oiled up, rolling around on plastic mats, pulling each other’s singlets aside, and having anal ***? I feel better now about mat drills.

Cmon man you are the 4 time heavyweight champion belt holder.

You don't just get to pull it to the side. You have to FORCE it to the side! (without consent)

Cmon man you are the 4 time heavyweight champion belt holder.

You don't just get to pull it to the side. You have to FORCE it to the side! (without consent)

As you know, my credo at mat drills is, “My name is Matt, and I’m here to Drill!” I fck how I want, and there’s nothing ghey about it when you don’t seek consent.