Confirmed Kevin Steele GONE to Bama

You really want a 2019 Dodge Charger filled with Waffle House gift certificates?
curb your enthusiasm dancing GIF
I'm gonna give Mario the benefit of the doubt but a part of me wants to wonder if he'd have actually fired Gattis if he knew he'd have to replace Steele now too.
Bama just did us a favor....

Buuuut of course, everyone are Steele fans now lol . Where was y'all during the season?? Lol smh
Can't make chicken salad out of chicken ****.

I'm not upset Steele is gone but the mopes that think he suddenly forgot how to coach now look like fools.
Bama, reluctantly I admit is consistently the most dominant CFB program in the past 15 years and they take our experienced and well respected DC.

“Well we could do better”


This will be our 4th defensive play caller in four years and we wonder why we cant develop guys
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Two VERY unimpressive coordinator hires by Baga and a 71 yr old Nick Saban. Yeahhhh, Baga runs itself.....until it doesn't. They thought the same thing at FSU and Pedo State once upon a time too.
Maybe, but those careers aren't comparable.

Paterno - 45 years at PSU, 2 titles.
Bowden - 33 years at FSU, 2 titles.
Saban - 16 years at Alabama, 6 titles. Plus 5 years at LSU and 1 title.

I understand that nobody competing with Saban likes Saban, but he's shown an ability to adapt that those guys didn't. Maybe his time is over, but his most recent recruiting class didn't look like that and, while it will inevitably happen, I'll believe it when I actually see it.
Bama, reluctantly I admit the most the most consistently dominant CFB program in the past 15 years takes our experienced and well respected DC.

“Well we could do better”


How many championships have they won in the last two years? Exactly. Saban has clearly lost his touch.
Maybe, but those careers aren't comparable.

Paterno - 45 years at PSU, 2 titles.
Bowden - 33 years at FSU, 2 titles.
Saban - 16 years at Alabama, 6 titles. Plus 5 years at LSU and 1 title.

I understand that nobody competing with Saban likes Saban, but he's shown an ability to adapt that those guys didn't. Maybe his time is over, but his most recent recruiting class didn't look like that and, while it will inevitably happen, I'll believe it when I actually see it.
Ohhhh, I absolutely get what you're saying and largely agree. That's why it'll be a slower decline at Baga but it WILL happen. The game eventually passes everyone by.

Obviously up for debate and interpretation, but the rise of Jaw-ja in conjunction with small things (at the time) like what I'm deeming uninspiring coordinator hires all can start to accumulate pretty quickly as Sabag's age follows suit.

Or at least I hope.
If Steele is gone, then Mario needs to get Leonhard on the phone and make him an offer he can't refuse. Leonhard probably asks to bring some guys with him, and if that's the case, you work something out. Outside of Sal, there isn't anyone on that defensive staff I'm overly enamored with. Promoting Strong is the typical Miami move, it isn't a "Get the best you can get" move. Mario is a "Do the best you can do" guy.
If Steele is gone, then Mario needs to get Leonhard on the phone and make him an offer he can't refuse. Leonhard probably asks to bring some guys with him, and if that's the case, you work something out. Outside of Sal, there isn't anyone on that defensive staff I'm overly enamored with. Promoting Strong is the typical Miami move, it isn't a "Get the best you can get" move. Mario is a "Do the best you can do" guy.
Mario could have hired strong to be his dC last year and he chose Steele instead. I dont see Mario settling when eh could have done that move last year