Confirmed Kevin Steele GONE to Bama

With all the sopping wet twatsickles we had on our roster and I’ll assume Steele was a bit of an old school personality I’m sure they went to bed crying about how mean he was.

Meanwhile Steele prob left practice hammered a 40 of Steel Reserve and plowed some lot lizard at a truck stop. Prob paid extra to choke her and have her punch him in the nads because “sometimes I just have to make sure I’m still tougher then the kids I coach”
Not saying he was perfect but what exactly did you expect with that group of LBs, CBS, and one safety who was not a very good safety.
Not put a 300 pound dt on a rb?

There were so many blown coverages, the tackling still wasn’t very good, the 30 counters against fsu, Johns had him in a blender, etc. He wasn’t horrible, but the position could definitely be upgraded.
You guys are fine letting steele promote charlie strong?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN