
Ban me.

Win out is possible, but I will believe it when I see it. Even so, it does not guarantee a slot in the ACC Championship Game. Pitt has only 1 loss in ACC. Miami will need to be perfect and have the right help to make it to the championship. The cowardly play (settling for a field goal attempt instead of pushing it to the end zone) at the end of the Virginia game gives them the edge if their record is the same as UM's. Assuming Miami wins out, including the ACC Championship game, what is the best bowl it could play in? Certainly not on New Year's Day at 9-4. And then, will it win the bowl? Past history is discouraging.

Manny will keep his job with a win-out scenario and a bowl loss. That is how low the bar is set. Miami has settled on mediocrity. Playing well enough in the ACC is the current goal. Ignore the fact that UM has not had a signature victory since destroying Notre Dame under Richt. Miami will play well enough under Manny, but everyone should forget being propelled into the national championship conversation. Until the big boys of college football fear playing Miami (which I don't see on the horizon), the best fans can hope for is to be ranked somewhere between 15 and 25.
OP @Joaquin_Said_Dominate actually wrote," Reminds me of our 99 season. Admin could have fired Butch after going 1-3 to start the season. But the team rallied behind coach Davis lead by our Skinny freshman QB. The rest is history."

I thought the original post suggesting that Manny should be retained a bit clueless but this quote screams alternate universe. Comparing Manny Diaz to Butch Davis really on what planet were they similar. Butch at least knew what he was doing and they were still coming off probation. Manny Diaz cannot lead the team because as the board has pointed out repeatedly he can't even coach the area that is his supposed expertise; defense.

And just think about the cluelessness of some folks who participate in these discussions that 36 people agreed that this incompetent guy should be brought back under any circumstance. That's just wild/

Even if you never played or have just a minimal understanding of the game you have to know just by watching the Canes play and the decisions made that the head coach is incompetent. **** even the things that someone with little experience could get a handle on like discipline and attention to detail, he can't seem to get right. **** he can't even figure out how to get the right personnel on the field. Ya just gotta stop!
I’ll always have a sensitive spot for manny because the guy is one of us. He’s a die hard canes fan, but he’s not capable of getting this program back to where it should be.
The only reason we win out is because the strength of schedule is absolute trash. Now if Manny EVER signs an extension, I may have to hang it up permanently.
We all knew Diaz lacked experience and yes he has taken time to mature into the job and unlike Golden he continues to address weak areas, That cannot be denied. Expecting these youngsters to win out is ludicrous yet possible. If this team plays with the same intensity in our remaining games it would be shameful to punish them as our current top performers are Diaz recruits. Win at least 6 games and get a bowl game to add training time and experience and wait out 2022. This years schedule has been brutal for a young team and inexperienced staff, yet how does a staff gain experience except for OJT. OJT is probably the best. A learning coach that flexes as Manny has will improve consistently. So please base you opinions on the future, not on wins versus losses but on performance, energy, and desire. This year is a wash except we see a team with a future now. Enthusiastic and playing with passion, don't ruin it.
Reminds of the 99 team that went on dominate College Football the next few seasons. I hope Manny leaves to the NFL after a few rings
Crazy what 2 wins against NC STATE AND PITT do to this fanbase now.
Exactly. 2 teams that used to make us upset if we beat by less than 3 TDs is now giving our fans natl title hopes because we beat them by 1 score. Exactly what the admin wanted when joining the ACC.