Kaaya Players' Tribune Article


Nov 5, 2011

Sleeping Giant | The Players' Tribune

That fanbase that took over Los Angeles in 2001, that team that dominated Nebraska — we can be that again. But it’s gonna take everybody. It starts with the players and coaches, and then it’s on the rest of the South Florida community and fanbase. I think Miami truly is a sleeping giant. This is a place where, if we can win and build some momentum, we can win big, just like Hurricanes teams of the past have.

My goal when I came here was to leave this Miami program in a better place than when I found it — or, more accurately, when it found me. It’s truly an honor to wear this jersey, knowing all the great players who wore it before me and what they stood for. But now, we’re trying to blaze our own path and create our own identity as we move into this new era of Hurricanes football.

We’re still The U. I think a lot of people have forgotten that.

Now it’s our job to make them remember.

Lets go *****es
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wow - great read!!

"We’re still The U. I think a lot of people have forgotten that.

Now it’s our job to make them remember."

Love it.
Now this is how a REAL quarterback conducts himself. Not parading around in goofy *** outfits talking about wearing a pimp suit to a Heisman ceremony. **** some of the clowns we've had down here pretending they deserve a spot at quarterback U.
My goal is to leave the program in a better place than when I found it...Or more accurately, when it found me.

I love that
Hard to win games when the season hasn't started yet. Kaaya and the boys are going to silence the doubters(Canes fans included) and I can't wait.
"We’re still The U. I think a lot of people have forgotten that."

We haven't been the same since we've been calling ourselves the ESPN generated "The U". Retire that crap we're C A N E S Canes bruh!!