Justin Fields transferring

And the kid that signed with Bama, then Arizona State, then USF.

I’ll bet there’s more busts than studs.

That's true of most prospects...they get built up during recruitment and everyone is "the next Pro Bowler/All American X"...more likely than not that any individual kid will fail to meet expectations.

We do it too. Mark Pope is supposed to be the next Santana Moss. Didn't do much as a freshman (probably more on the coaches than anything else) and now people are saying he was overrated, he ain't ****, too small, head case, etc.
I am completely confused on the timeline of events here if people are saying he is a package deal with Jadon, who is supposedly sending a LOI this week and announcing on Jan 5...does that mean that Fields is going to give the silent commit before Jadon's announcement?
I am completely confused on the timeline of events here if people are saying he is a package deal with Jadon, who is supposedly sending a LOI this week and announcing on Jan 5...does that mean that Fields is going to give the silent commit before Jadon's announcement?
Means everything. And nothing.
You’re the first person I see bring up Rattler. Finally someone brings up the biggest thorn in the side of Field to OU.
Ohio State makes the most sense logically
Rattler is the next big thing. He is considered possibly the biggest athlete to come out of Arizona HS. OSU has Tate Martell who's ego could be larger than Fields. I'm not sure how that would work either. Gonna be an interesting situation for sure.
First Fields has to register on the Transfer portal. The UGA board expects that to happen tonight. Then I believe he can be contacted.

And what if JH only signs a FAA? He can sign multiple to save a scholarship.
Doesn't matter until he steps foot on campus. He can change his mind anytime.

Once Fields registers, we will see if he plays in the UGA bowl game. He has been practicing but that could change. I would imagine the team won't feel to friendly, perhaps. IDK. He may be done at UGA at that point.

And let's not kid ourselves - it is very unlikely JH hasn't known about Fields intentions....
He’ll probably be the new HC when Riley takes the Cowboys job this year.

I don't think he goes from non play calling OC to HC at Oklahoma. Bedenbaugh's actually said so himself. He thinks he needs to call plays first as an OC before he gets his HC opportunity.