Josh Newberg Suggests Artie Used Funeral Money for Jewlery


Knoxville Baby Maker
Jan 27, 2012

He's since deleted the tweet.
Another slick bytch defaming dudes via Twitter. Irony is that slimy little facqit attempted to paint Artie as dumb and slimy when, in reality, he's the dumb slimy maggot stupidly defaming people on Twitter. I'd like to see Artie fck him with a lawsuit Hulk style.
A complete kaunt move by this broke-*** FSU taint sniffer. Sadly, we've got a couple of kaunt "fans" posting here that more or less made similar remarks in another thread.
By the time Artie is finished with that Morte Christo, Jewberg will be paying for that jewelry.
By the time Artie is finished with that Morte Christo, Jewberg will be paying for that jewelry.
That jewelry cost $41k not $41.00. Jewberg would only be capable of paying nominal damages after he liquidates all of his "assets."
Buying the jewelry probably has nothing to do with him about to be making a couple million dollars in the next few days...

What a piece of ****.. that's a really low level of disrespect
Buying the jewelry probably has nothing to do with him about to be making a couple million dollars in the next few days...

What a piece of ****.. that's a really low level of disrespect

Not only is it disrespectful, but if he's suggesting Artie used the gofundme money to buy jewelry, and he didn't, it's flat out defamation. He's calling Artie a scumbag crook.
I believe that in the old days of this board, a group that has since been thrown aside so Pete can get press credentials we still haven't seen the value of, would handle such a situation with this Newberg **** accordingly.

Anyone remember what it was called?
Artie Burns’ agent fires back at TMZ story saying he went on a jewelry run | Canes Watch

On Thursday a reporter for recruiting website 247Sports, Josh Newberg, tweeted a link to the TMZ story and commented that it was, “Odd considering Miami set up a gofundme account that raised 40K for his mothers funeral just 6 months ago.” Newberg continued to tweet with people about the story, many of whom were Hurricanes fans irritated with the perceived insinuation. In several different conversations, Newberg maintained that he might “feel weird” if he donated money to Burns and then saw the TMZ story.

“That’s a dumb-[expletive] comment,” Bratton said, using another choice word to describe Newberg.

Bratton said that account still has some $20,000 left in it – and Burns doesn’t have access to it. UM controls the access.
Wow! Josh Newberg is a cumbag. I hope Artie lawyers up and takes all that ***'s money..
By the time Artie is finished with that Morte Christo, Jewberg will be paying for that jewelry.

We're all God's children.... race, religion, and creed please leave that alone

It turns out that Josh Newberg is actually Moslem. I don't think your rationale applies anymore.

He's a bag of putrid smegma, whatever his religion
What a stupid, stupid assumption to make. I think it's dumb to buy 41K in jewelry, but it's even worse to accuse someone of using charitable funds to do so. You simply can NOT make accusations like that without hard proof.
Dang.. that's messed up, is Artie the only player in the draft picking up some bling to look good on draft day?? What a stupid thing to insinuate
Right...because you've never seen potential 1st round picks getting $$$ loaned to them by their agents to purchase cars, jewelry, clothes, etc...?

It happens all of the time. Newberg has always been a f*cking moron.

I hope he gets anal fissures.