Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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He ain’t doing it lol
Yup because I’ll start cleaning this board off one by one.

american loop GIF
Ah, classic CIS hedging. The 'I'd love to be wrong brigade'. Put your nuts on the table and call your shot. The writing is and has been on the wall and plenty of folks in the know are all saying the same thing. Clearly not good enough for some and I truly apologize that this isn't moving along fast enough for you.
dem nervous.
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I'm a big Rad guy but if we're being completely honest, Mario doesn't have an actual boss for at least two more seasons. He has advisors but not a boss- or at least anyone that he would HAVE to look at like that.
I mean, they hired Mario before Rad and asked Mario if he was cool with them hiring Rad. Couple that with a guaranteed 8 year contract and spending so much more money than they had previously that as long as Mario isn't breaking any laws (or terms of the contract), he's not answering to anyone until year 5 at the earliest.
Eventually, we'll be invaded by aliens - Klingons, Romulans, or some kind of Goober-looking butt pirates, and Gaddis will STILL be here.

The aliens will state the reason for the invasion - they monitor our radio, TV, and other communications - and they're sick and tired of watching the UM Coordinator ****show, a non-ending train of misery and failure.

Then we all get vaporized - never winning the ACC.
Eventually, we'll be invaded by aliens - Klingons, Romulans, or some kind of Goober-looking butt pirates, and Gaddis will STILL be here.

The aliens will state the reason for the invasion - they monitor our radio, TV, and other communications - and they're sick and tired of watching the UM Coordinator ****show, a non-ending train of misery and failure.

Then we all get vaporized - never winning the ACC.

Ferengi are def invading us first, they are the most shifty
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