Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Never been an OC before yes? Be interested to hear any other thoughts on him. I saw he was with the Bills as an assistant with Dorsey too, so the connections make sense at least.
Elite internship.

Liam Coan ended doing well without any prior experience.
I was thinking about it, the way Saban handles underperforming coaches is how Mario appears to be handling Gattis, it's just Golding is A LOT more coveted lol.

edit: could just be blind hope on my part though

Nah, just this board is filled with weirdos who think Mario gives a **** about their timelines when he’s just trying to make the program better every single day, and couldn’t care less about what they think, nor should he, obviously.

They also have no idea what he’s telling offensive recruits, yet you’ll read post after post here from dudes who manage a TCBY that think the off-season has been “a ****show” 😂 😂 😂
Also worked under Dorsey and Daboll (3 places, Bama, Bills, Giants). Sounds crazy, but he won’t be cheap. Probably gets an NFL OC job this year or next. Could be the slow play on Gattis. All the candidates are on NFL playoff teams.
Personally, I find that last sentence laughable…Why would an nfl oc come to Miami? nfl oc’s are constantly on the verge of being a hc with the way the nfl hires and are always in high demand. Coming to Miami without the ability to hire your own staff, to run an offense with one arm tied behind your back, would be idiotic
Any moment now, I expect to hear we extended Gattis contract - guaranteeing him 5 more years - and me a stroke.
Heard something interesting from someone close to the NFL and the Giants. They told me if Gattis is gone, they believe Shea Tierney the Giants QB coach will be in the mix for our job and others. This person has no connection I know of to UM. Really just educated speculation.
I’d take him…. sight unseen!
Personally, I find that last sentence laughable…Why would an nfl oc come to Miami? nfl oc’s are constantly on the verge of being a hc with the way the nfl hires and are always in high demand. Coming to Miami without the ability to hire your own staff, to run an offense with one arm tied behind your back, would be idiotic
What’s crazier is, you notice Mario is supposedly conveniently waiting for an “NFL” OC or QB coach that miraculously advances far in the playoffs 😂😂. It just seems to be a convenient rumor that some on here come up with . The NFL personnel that lose in the first round or never made the playoffs aren’t inferred to be the hold up for Mario’s timeline. Strange how that happens
Heard something interesting from someone close to the NFL and the Giants. They told me if Gattis is gone, they believe Shea Tierney the Giants QB coach will be in the mix for our job and others. This person has no connection I know of to UM. Really just educated speculation.


Yea this sounds like someone who mario would hire
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