Joseph Yearby Senior Highlights

filthy...excellent feet.. great cod and makes himself skinny.. those are attributes you can't teach.
If this kid payed in any other district in the country, he'd be the #1 rated back in the country. Skillset is amazing. He and Powell are gonna be lethal.
If this kid payed in any other district in the country, he'd be the #1 rated back in the country. Skillset is amazing. He and Powell are gonna be lethal.

Hes a great prospect, but no way would he be ranked ahead of Fournette. He will definitely contribute next year if he gets healthy.
If Fournette wasn't so **** big, Joe would probably be the number one running back. And, if he was able to finish his career healthy, and tore those boys up yesterday.

Kid is legit. No question. Been saying for the longest, better back than Cook.

Every time I see Cook, if he doesn't have the ball, he is walking around like a chump. Kid is a pre Madonna. Yearby, just gets "buckets".
Pretty clear that he is, right now, a better running back than Cook. There's a reason he started ahead of him. That is incredible film.
Get well soon JY your city needs you. The U needs you...can't wait to watch this kid and Powell destroy college football.
I would tear every single ligament in my body trying to tackle that kid. Good gracious man.

I'm ecstatic this dude wants to be a 'Cane.
This kid is filthy. Short area quickness, great vision and can make people miss in the phone booth. Duke and yearby is going to give the account fits. If olsen or kayaa can give us good qb play, we are going tobwin multiple acc champions
Yearby's feet are absolutely the best I have ever seen! Certainly Elite! Honestly feel like we won't miss a beat when Duke takes a breather.