Join Me! Manny MUST Go Immediately!

Its scorched earth time. Need to cleanse the Athletic Dept of the bureaucratic rot and disease of low expectations.
Hope the NCAA finds a reason to help us with it. Like coaching unbecoming of a team, a year of mandatory cleanup shutdown and must hire new AD and coaches.
I have no time to discuss any frivolous and libelous statements made about me by nobody posters.

I am leading a mission, and the mission is for a cause much greater and more pressing than these baseless accusations.

The program and the war to win it back come first.

U talking to the dead admin they don't care
I said it after FIU, but there’s not another type of employee in the country who would remain employed after that type of job failure.

Manure ended his work year by running into Frenk’s office with his little nubby dyck poking through his open fly motorboating every set of **** he saw while telling racist jokes. Then, he stuck his finger up his *** and rubbed it on Frenk’s lips while repeating bashing a chihuahua’s head on Frenk’s desk and claiming that flour tortillas are better than corn tortillas.

How can you fail as epically and historically as Manure did this year and remain employed? Much smarter and more accomplished people than him have been fired from jobs in a year or less.
You have to fire Manny. No choice.

The 3-year rule doesn't apply to a guy who's been here for 4 years.

•His team doesn't respect him.

•His team doesn't play hard for him.

•They've quit on him.

•He made the worst hire possible at the most important staff positions.

•Richt lost 6 games in 2018.

•Diaz just lost 7 games.

•Diaz spent a year criticizing Richt's offense.

•Diaz's offense was worse.

•He ended with a 3-game losing streak.

•2 of those teams aren't even in the Power 5.

•He spent 1.5 million to hire a coordinator who produced the worst offense in Power 5 football.

•His staff can't recruit.

•He just lost to FIU, Duke, and La Tech consecutively

No point in looking at a giant tumor that's visibly growing by the second on someone and saying: "eh, let's give it a couple more years and see what happens."

This program just lost 7 games AGAIN.
They were boring to watch AGAIN.
They had one of the worst offenses in America AGAIN.

The program has zero momentum. Among the fanbase, the recruits, and with its own roster.

We have to cut ties on this experiment before things get even worse. We can't waste another season and destroy the next class. We have an actual crisis and state of emergency in the athletic department.

We must remove Manny immediately.

Do not let up.
Do not accept this.
Refuse to renew season tickets.
Refuse all donations.
Force change.

Pick up your torches. Rally all military-aged males from your village.
We are at a code red emergency.

Manny Must Go.

Its scorched earth time. Need to cleanse the Athletic Dept of the bureaucratic rot and disease of low expectations.

Agree. Need to get to the root of this infestation. If there’s not a large termite tent over the Hecht tomorrow then it will just be more of the same.
It all starts with replacing Blake James. Otherwise, we will just get another 5 minute "national" coaching search.
I said it after FIU, but there’s not another type of employee in the country who would remain employed after that type of job failure.

Manure ended his work year by running into Frenk’s office with his little nubby dyck poking through his open fly motorboating every set of **** he saw while telling racist jokes. Then, he stuck his finger up his *** and rubbed it on Frenk’s lips while repeating bashing a chihuahua’s head on Frenk’s desk and claiming that flour tortillas are better than corn tortillas.

How can you fail as epically and historically as Manure did this year and remain employed? Much smarter and more accomplished people than him have been fired from jobs in a year or less.
Frenk would be disgusted by those events you mentioned. So disgusted, he would.... secretly wish they'd happen again.