Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

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I just think he was just focusing on the academic aspect and alluded to his Mexican heritage to show that he maybe doesn't know too much about futbol Americano. Or other American sports. And Mexico isnt a race.

But thanks for that important comment anyway, you have done your duty to advance the human race today by calling out your perceived version of "racism" on a canes message board.
Canes should hire Ron Mexico
We don't know that.

You're just taking somebody's word for it because you like the optics of it and want to attack this person.

It's on her resume you ****.

Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee. In addition, she was instrumental in the development of Miami’s annual Celebration of Women’s Athletics recognizing the achievements of Miami’s female student-athletes while raising money to support women’s athletics.
Maybe because he refused to make changes to his staff. Was going to promote 2 guys to be DC that arent qualified. Lost to teams with less talent. Wasnt recruiting at a high level.

Basically not earning his salary.

Saying Richt was our best coach in the last 15 years is like saying this half rotten loaf of bread is better the fully spoiled loaf.

Means nothing.
Is "toro" what the Truckers call you after they take you for a spin?

I can tell this a difficult subject bubby.
Its not your fault. Have you tried talkung to Jen about it? I'm sure she will understand you were a victim of toxic masculinity.
Wait is "buddy" the correct gender pronoun? Dont want to further trigger you.
I can tell this a difficult subject bubby.
Its not your fault. Have you tried talkung to Jen about it? I'm sure she will understand you were a victim of toxic masculinity.
Wait is "buddy" the correct gender pronoun? Dont want to further trigger you.
What's funny is you're throwing around the "triggered" bit when it's you who has been triggered by my pointing out you're a ****** who flips burgers.
Islam is a religion, not a race. Not surprising you wouldn't realize that.

That's the old traditional meaning of racism. The modern trendy meaning is much looser. Either way, you hate Muslims. Since you don't know history, it can't be something that they did in the past. Did one of them use you like a goat then threaten to toss you off a tall building? Or are you against the practice of FGM?
What's funny is you're throwing around the "triggered" bit when it's you who has been triggered by my pointing out you're a ****** who flips burgers.

I don't flip burgers professionally but I do make a great burger.
Also making fun of you doesn't make me triggered.
Its just mildly entertaining.
That's the old traditional meaning of racism. The modern trendy meaning is much looser. Either way, you hate Muslims. Since you don't know history, it can't be something that they did in the past. Did one of them use you like a goat then threaten to toss you off a tall building? Or are you against the practice of FGM?
You can just call me Daddy. That's what your grandma called my people anyway.
I don't flip burgers professionally but I do make a great burger.
Also making fun of you doesn't make me triggered.
Its just mildly entertaining.
Nah. You're hella triggered. That's why you keep responding to me and defending yourself and other low-wage, low-skill workers.
I'm in water treatment and make more than everyone I know (except my brother, who worked his *** off and became VP of a major mutual fund) with a degree. I have a degree as well but it's not required in my field, just a state license. This clown has no idea the livelihood tradesman and old fashioned hard workers can build for themselves.

I dont have a single college EDUCATED friend that makes more than me. If they are so smart they would figure out a way to make a better living than me.
Lmao. When did Miami athletics become ***?
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So, the Muslims did use you like a goat and you hate them because they didn't use lube, or because they did use lube? Still, your hatred of Muslims isn't good for your soul. You should forgive and love them.
One things for sure, your grandma didn't have any lube available when our marauders had their way with her.
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