Jeff Luc

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Nov 6, 2011
Transferred from FSU?

Good tihng he didn't come here.
Muschamp started losing 4-5 stars now Jimbo will lose them.
Why is this thread still going, it wasn't even part of our program
Because 'Cane fans believe that ANY player with a small tie to the South Florida area should goto Miami. If they go elsewhere, then "the corch can't close", "the State of Miami has been compromised", "Why didn't coach offer him?", etc etc...

I remember watching Oregon and Auburn game and this one DT (from South Florida) made a tackle for a loss and within minutes there was a thread about how did this guy get out of Miami. Mind you that this guy was a backup but still the thread popped up...
****, old news? I must've been hibernating b/c this is the first I heard. But I remember on Grassy that people were going nuts when he chose FSU
Luc needed someone to tell him that he was going to be a DE from the get-go and develop him as such. He went to F$U when they were one of the few schools that said sure--we'll plug you right in at LB. He couldn't cut it, and they recruited some blue-chip DE's while he lost 2 years of development at DE he could have had while he was attempting to be a LB.

His own pride in his talents got the best of him. Sometimes you've got to be honest with yourself and say as a recruit that 99% of the schools recruiting me think I translate to this position on the next level--maybe I should listen. Luc didn't.
Why is this thread still going, it wasn't even part of our program
Because 'Cane fans believe that ANY player with a small tie to the South Florida area should goto Miami. If they go elsewhere, then "the corch can't close", "the State of Miami has been compromised", "Why didn't coach offer him?", etc etc...

I remember watching Oregon and Auburn game and this one DT (from South Florida) made a tackle for a loss and within minutes there was a thread about how did this guy get out of Miami. Mind you that this guy was a backup but still the thread popped up...

+1 ......even obscure guys that end up at Southern Miss or a MAC school that zero big time programs were offering some yahoo always starts a thread saying we gotta focus on local talent 2 star Miami are better then big time recruit from wherever if they guy even so much as makes a NFL team
This is so stupid.

Luc needed someone to tell him that he was going to be a DE from the get-go and develop him as such. He went to F$U when they were one of the few schools that said sure--we'll plug you right in at LB. He couldn't cut it, and they recruited some blue-chip DE's while he lost 2 years of development at DE he could have had while he was attempting to be a LB.

You have no idea what your talking about...
I didn't see you have a theory on this, just you saying what I said was stupid.

Enlighten me. What was stupid about it? I followed Luc's recruitment pretty closely, but if I missed something you caught, let me know by all means.
We have a lot of problems. We will lose 5 for 3 or 4 at the minimum. We are going to get fu-cked... Don't be a homer on this...

Its clear there are problems afoot. Not sure we are talking about the same ones though.
He wasn't a scheme fit at FSU. He wouldn't have been a scheme fit here either.
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