Jarren Williams Into The Portal

Being an 82D Airborne vet.... I wouldn't want that ***** *** motherfooker in my foxhole.
Lil bítch... had every opportunity to seize the opportunity, but he smoked out his chances.
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That is what I plan on doing around 1030 tonight. She putting the kids to sleep and I'll come over and butter her bread🔥🔥
I like Ricky, but he always takes the players at their word. I’m not 100% defending the staff, but Jarren ain’t innocent. It’s crazy for him to insinuate otherwise.
Because the players are his sources. It’s not like he’s getting stuff from the staff.
CIS filled with keyboard gangsters. Internet thugs. Saying sh*t they wish they could say in real life.

So what does that make you?

Don't throw stones when you have a glass house, bruh.

I only say this cause even though I may have clowned you in the past, I have a great deal of respect for you and I was young and dumb once and think you have the potential in the world to be great.
1.) I think what speaks volumes about JW15's mental makeup & intestinal fortitude is how he responded to Enos's tough coaching. In that regard N'kosi was much more resilient. You can say whatever you want about Enos but the bottom line is that type of coaching style is what is most widespread in the NFL. Not responding positively to that shows why he would struggle immensely at that level.

2.) At this stage I believe he lacks the intangibles to a be a P5 starting QB. His best option is to move back home & transfer to a G5 school (Maybe Georgia State) and put together 2 solid yrs of production, while doing everything right on & off the field to prove to NFL scouts that some of his issues have been addressed.
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What this means is that what really occurred during the year will become public as part of his campaign to play next year. Stand by for some ***** being thrown around from both sides.
Guess Jarren was never read the story of the boy who cried wolf