Jamil Burroughs (former Alabama DT) enrolled and practicing with team. Update: not eligible for 2023 per cribby


Jamshed Burroughamadov from Dushanbe Community College in Tajikistan just transfered to Miami. Due to a recent earthquake, his documents were damaged, but school officials verbally and visually verified eligibility through NCAA clearinghouse protocols.

Currently a cornerback, he might see time at defensive tackle if the need is there and he shows some promise.

He bears a striking resemblence to Alabama's recent transfer Jamil Burroughs, but are of no relation whatsoever.

Please respect the decision by both players to not attend interviews at the same time due to a rare form of allergic reaction.
This move tells me a lot about the pressure I was hoping Mario feels.. time to win NOW!

As long as they ain’t rape and kill someone.. we ain’t at the liberty to turn away top talent.

Take em and pray they stay outta trouble 🤷🏾‍♂️😂
lol pressure from who? I think MC is internally driven to get this **** right in Miami

Screenshot from the Athletic article regarding his transfer status from June 30th.
In an article on Graves' eligibility it seems that the way they left the school has an influence on the waiver process:

Sources tell Inside the Rebels that Graves will likely be declared eligible and will join the Rebels on the practice field soon. Essentially, it comes down to how the players left their respective programs. Graves left Miami in good standing, thus the likelihood of getting cleared is very good.

On the other hand, Dudley was removed from the Clemson roster after a violation of team rules. That is likely to be viewed less favorable throughout his appeals process.
Btw cut the cr@p about Mario feeling pressure to win. No he has hunger to win and revamp the operation. Its not pressure, its ambition..get it str8. Thats why he canned all the coaches he felt were slacking after 1 season. He dont want excuses, people here defend him but i never heard him make 1 excuse or defend last season