Jack Allison on the move...again.

Problem with Jack is that he was D2 level talent at best and was misevaluated from the jump. Most questionable stats we ever took at the position with the only other person in contention, Kirby Freeman.

No hate, dislike, or anything bad for the young man from me. People just set the bar too high for him.
Problem with Jack is that he was D2 level talent at best and was misevaluated from the jump. Most questionable stats we ever took at the position with the only other person in contention, Kirby Freeman.

No hate, dislike, or anything bad for the young man from me. People just set the bar too high for him.
Gray Crow and Preston Dewey day hi.
How does he have Eligibility and at what point do you admit that the game has passed you by? Enjoy the rest of your career and become a coach. Because clearly he loves ball and is passionate just channeling it in the wrong way.
Like Chris Rix. Sometimes people should prepare for a career outside of football.
What does "snowflake" mean?
For the intellectually challenged.

For the intellectually challenged.

thanks. But I knew you had to google it
Sometimes players don’t fit certain systems, new coach new system. Doesn’t mean he’s a quitter or loser maybe he’s smart to go find the system that fits him!