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First thing ill say is that my respect for Urban Meyer has gone through the roof because that guy took a 6 win OSU team and turned them into an undefeated team his first year with no transfer portal and with the same roster.. I respect how unbelievably hard that is to do after witnessing numerous coaches just crap the bed in Year 1.

I do believe this roster needs to be overhauled after this year BUT I blame that on MARIO for not seeing what we all saw from alot of these kids already. Lincoln Riley didnt trust any of those USC kids and overhauled that roster immediately. Mario trusted too many of these kids to perform for him as if all they needed was a kick in the butt. He was wrong. And wasted a year. And now is staring down the barrel of not making a bowl game which would make this offseason a funeral for this program, his staff, and the players.
Nothing on TVD yet? Surely he went for xray and mri.
You should know the deal with injury information by now. Can't tell if he had the wind knocked out of him or they have to sew his stomach plug back ala Kung Pow
Doctor Pow GIF
If you follow the recruiting board there is a "Transfer Portal" thread that was ongoing and many posters were basically hand delivering players to Mario that we needed immediately. Including at WR AND LB. He was stubborn. VERY stubborn. And now hes paying the price.
First thing ill say is that my respect for Urban Meyer has gone through the roof because that guy took a 6 win OSU team and turned them into an undefeated team his first year with no transfer portal and with the same roster.. I respect how unbelievably hard that is to do after witnessing numerous coaches just crap the bed in Year 1.
Come on, man. Ohio State's win total before the 6-7 season was 12-11-10-11-12. We don't need to act as though Meyer went into Kansas and turned them into a contender.
You should know the deal with injury information by now. Can't tell if he had the wind knocked out of him or they have to sew his stomach plug back ala Kung Pow
Doctor Pow GIF
this is probably the last comedy i watched that had me laughing so hard..that I couldnt breath or talk at the end. I refuse to watch it again..Im too old to laugh that hard. LMAO. Great use of a GIF.
Come on, man. Ohio State's win total before the 6-7 season was 12-11-10-11-12. We don't need to act as though Meyer went into Kansas and turned them into a contender.
I get it. But this is in response to folks who are saying that Year 1 for all coaches is a wash and HCs need to instill there own system and players and culture. Using your OSU example..Mario should AT LEAST have gotten us to 7 wins with this roster..with his eyes closed... AT LEAST. It can still some miracle.
I get it. But this is in response to folks who are saying that Year 1 for all coaches is a wash and HCs need to instill there own system and players and culture. Using your OSU example..Mario should AT LEAST have gotten us to 7 wins with this roster..with his eyes closed... AT LEAST. It can still some miracle.

Wait, what? Why does the Ohio State example mean that Mario should have had us at ANY win total?
Wait, what? Why does the Ohio State example mean that Mario should have had us at ANY win total?
Because he has the same exact roster that Richt and Manny had. And with that same roster..Manny averaged 7 wins a year and Richt averaged almost 9 wins. (I know most of the guys were Freshmen/Sophomore durings Richts era but you get my point)..using your said Urban acquired a roster that average 10+ wins a year with Tressel so its no huge feat for him to go undefeated his first year even though Luke Fickell took those same players and only won 6 games.

So why are we not holding Mario to a standard of at least getting to the Richt/Manny average of 7 wins with basically the same kids??

My Cane brotha..we are going to struggle to make a bowl game. And if we lose to FSU at home..we arent going to make a bowl because Mario wont be able to get this team up to beat Clemson or Pitt. Im hoping posters and fans are settling up with that fact. Because its real.
Because he has the same exact roster that Richt and Manny had. And with that same roster..Manny averaged 7 wins a year and Richt averaged almost 9 wins. (I know most of the guys were Freshmen/Sophomore durings Richts era but you get my point)..using your said Urban acquired a roster that average 10+ wins a year with Tressel so its no huge feat for him to go undefeated his first year even though Luke Fickell took those same players and only won 6 games.

So why are we not holding Mario to a standard of at least getting to the Richt/Manny average of 7 wins with basically the same kids??

My Cane brotha..we are going to struggle to make a bowl game. And if we lose to FSU at home..we arent going to make a bowl because Mario wont be able to get this team up to beat Clemson or Pitt. Im hoping posters and fans are settling up with that fact. Because its real.

Richt? Richt's last season was 2018.

It's not a math problem. You and all the other Mario bashers are assuming that we have a roster of hard-working leaders who want to win, but these terrible coaches are holding them back. That doesn't make sense. The only rational explanation is that the players have given up. And again, that is fine. They can put their degrees to work or go play for an FCS team next year.
Richt? Richt's last season was 2018.

It's not a math problem. You and all the other Mario bashers are assuming that we have a roster of hard-working leaders who want to win, but these terrible coaches are holding them back. That doesn't make sense. The only rational explanation is that the players have given up. And again, that is fine. They can put their degrees to work or go play for an FCS team next year.
They are kids on this roster who played under Richt ya know? Lol. This 6th year thing made sure of that. Nevertheless, if you want to set the year 1 standard at 5-6 wins for Mario and will solely blame the players for that output..then go with God. LOL. I think you will be a man on a island with that line of thinking.
They are kids on this roster who played under Richt ya know? Lol. This 6th year thing made sure of that. Nevertheless, if you want to set the year 1 standard at 5-6 wins for Mario and will solely blame the players for that output..then go with God. LOL. I think you will be a man on a island with that line of thinking.

I didn't set any standard. That's why I'm not on the ledge ready to jump like the rest of you.
We must’ve used my trick of starting to measure from the crack of my ***. Btw I’m ten inches.
Cribby, my guy! Another example of how well-cultured you are. You're (like myself) part of the butt-to-tip measuring club.

You measure from the furthest cheek point. We're measuring the potential thrust vector from *** to tip! Like a sprinter measuring their stride. Also, I'm 6' 2" measuring from halo to heel because my momma said I'm an angel.

You know what they say? Ignorance is bliss when you're living butt-to-tip!
Richt? Richt's last season was 2018.

It's not a math problem. You and all the other Mario bashers are assuming that we have a roster of hard-working leaders who want to win, but these terrible coaches are holding them back. That doesn't make sense. The only rational explanation is that the players have given up. And again, that is fine. They can put their degrees to work or go play for an FCS team next year.
Year after year the majority of the posters on here blame the coaches and never hold the players accountable.

I'm gonna list all of the offensive players we've had in the last 6 years that are on an NFL roster

Njoku - New Jersey
Berrios - North Carolina
Homer - local
Herndon - Georgia
Osborn - Michigan
Cager - Maryland
Dallas - Georgia
Jordan - Nevada
there are going to be some epic, hilarious bumps in a few seasons, no matter the side of the civil war you’re on.
I fvck with you heavy...
But why are we acting like these guys forgot how to coach when they got to Miami?

Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Have been successful at previous stops. So either they forgot how the coach, or they need their own hand-picked players.

And if my memory serves me correctly, we didn't start off the Lashlee era averaging 35 PPG. We were saying THE SAME **** about Lashlee's offense in the beginning. It was a$s.

No coaching change in advanced football yields big benefits in year one. Doesn't happen. Oregon and Michigan look good right now BECAUSE MARIO AND GATTIS COACHED/DEVELOPED/RECRUITED those units. They left their previous teams with polished players. WTF did Manny leave us with? The God **** Corners didn't even know how to play press and the entire back-7 didn't know what "quick game" was.

You guys seem to forget that any time DC's wanted to shut down Lashlee's offense, all they did was play man/press. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Although I'm not a fan of the overdose of condensed formations (because it leaves us susceptible to disguised blitzes) this offense is far more advanced and well-balanced than Lashlee's.

It's not Ponce's fault that Garcia missed multiple wide open guys and air mailed two gift interceptions. Those decisions/throws were embarrassingly bad. It's also not a coach's fault that Seymour can't block a **** DB from getting through the B-gap.
Most of these players would've never been recruited by this staff. They're awful.

Go look at the roster at Oregon and tell me if it looks anything like our ****. I bet they're far more athletic and they probably look better coached too. Y'all don't think that has anything to do with the years Mario spent there? 🤔 (News flash - it does)
Y'all don't wonder why some of our best players are not Manny kids? 🤔

We can't blame coaches, but then in the very same breath talk about how untalented the players are.

Not every play call by Gattis is gonna be A1.
No coordinator does that. Lord knows I've disliked a few calls. But I've actually re-watched our games in detail and I've seen plenty of great play designs and a whole lot of bad execution.

Steele is another guy that's proven, along with Strong and Addae. These guys did not forget how to coach when they got here. We're not talking about Manny's green a$s staff. We're talking about guys who have been elite/good everywhere they've been.

If any of you have coached, and have had to install new schemes and instill new culture, then you know how long it takes. It takes a minimum of one year. Minimum. More than likely 2/3 years depending on how bad the program was.

Show me a Head Coach that took over a losing program and looked good in the first year.
The **** GOAT went 6-6 and lost to Louisiana Monroe during his first season at Bama.

Don't get y'all fvckin' hopes up for this season.
The whole thing needs to get worse before it gets better. Y'all MF'ers need to put your emotions aside and chalk this season up as a massive L that's preparing us for better things ahead.

These guys didn't forget how to coach!
I don't disagree with some of what you said, specifically that this staff is proven and didn't forget how to coach. But to play devil's advocate:

USC is an example off the top of my head of a first-year coach turning it around. Add to that they had a worse record last season, and have played the 34th hardest strength of schedule this year (per PFF), while Miami has played the 98th. Leipold at Kansas is another guy. First-year guys have traditionally not fared well, but the portal has leveled the playing field.

To your point with the disguised blitzes, Duke was coming from everywhere. We had no answer and no counter. This offensive staff has not made any halftime adjustments. ****, they have barely made season-long adjustments.

All the other things I would say would just be repeating what so many others said in this thread and others all season long: stuff like how we continue to run into 8-man fronts; how we can't just get the ball to receivers in space by spreading the field more; the "check with me" audibles that kill the offensive rhythm; and, the main thing - how our talent is not worse than Duke or MTSU, but we are getting BLOWN OUT.

Where is the creativity in the run game that Gattis was supposed to bring?

At some point, you need to adjust to the strengths of your players, even if your long-term vision for the offense/program is different. A loss here and there (or a salty player entering the portal) at the expense of instilling culture and program building is one thing, but becoming the laughingstock of the country is quite another, and hard to justify.

As a respected poster, I would ask your honest opinion (in more detail than you gave, if you are willing) about the offense. I am specifically interested in the lack of adjustments, but anything you are willing to opine on.

Agree with OP - I will add the lack of explosion is very concerning given the qty of Sofia kids on the roster. I think this is just as big a factor as scheme. The wrs speed does not come through at all (they might be fast w/o pads, but there’s track speed and football speed and I’m not sure we have anyone who has either. Hoping Citizen is real deal next year and that might give us a step in that direction, at least at rb.

And for the decline in pts, I think a big piece of that (in addition to scheme) is quality of wrs that left last year. Rambo and Harley were by far the best wrs and were able to create separation consistently. And they haven’t gotten a sniff at next level, so I think that’s telling of current roster. Hopefully CY can continue to develop.

I do believe Mario will build a OL, but we need more explosiveness. We don’t have the speed of a MTSU or UTSA, much less SEC speed. So hopefully if we don’t get first tier SoFla kids, we continue to start looking nationwide for football fast kids at skill positions with ability to catch with outstretched hands.
This This This. Offense has zero explosive playmakers who can turn a 5 yard screen into 50 yard TD or take the top off the D going deep. We've only had one big YAC TD (Colbie against duke who broke a tackle). Aside from that nothing.

Gattis sucks but we are desperately missing a T Benjamin, S Coley, J Thomas type in this O
I don't disagree with some of what you said, specifically that this staff is proven and didn't forget how to coach. But to play devil's advocate:

USC is an example off the top of my head of a first-year coach turning it around. Add to that they had a worse record last season, and have played the 34th hardest strength of schedule this year (per PFF), while Miami has played the 98th. Leipold at Kansas is another guy. First-year guys have traditionally not fared well, but the portal has leveled the playing field.

To your point with the disguised blitzes, Duke was coming from everywhere. We had no answer and no counter. This offensive staff has not made any halftime adjustments. ****, they have barely made season-long adjustments.

All the other things I would say would just be repeating what so many others said in this thread and others all season long: stuff like how we continue to run into 8-man fronts; how we can't just get the ball to receivers in space by spreading the field more; the "check with me" audibles that kill the offensive rhythm; and, the main thing - how our talent is not worse than Duke or MTSU, but we are getting BLOWN OUT.

Where is the creativity in the run game that Gattis was supposed to bring?

At some point, you need to adjust to the strengths of your players, even if your long-term vision for the offense/program is different. A loss here and there (or a salty player entering the portal) at the expense of instilling culture and program building is one thing, but becoming the laughingstock of the country is quite another, and hard to justify.

As a respected poster, I would ask your honest opinion (in more detail than you gave, if you are willing) about the offense. I am specifically interested in the lack of adjustments, but anything you are willing to opine on.

SC is a great example. Schematic coach vs program builder (I hope). A few important advantages. Coach got a going early, brought over most of his staff plus his HEISMAN contending QB, his best WR, THE BEST WR in the nation (prior relationship with HEISMAN QB) plus 23 other transfers. Mario missed on & passed a few guys that leave me scratching my head (I’ve spoken to that a bunch). But I will judge him next year not this year as my brother @Rellyrell eloquently outlined earlier in this thread. I’m mad and disappointed (wrote a long thread about it lol). But I’m also doubling down in investing in the program. I see it the same way I see business. Make a mistake and fix it. Move on from there. If Mario doesn’t fix mistakes (we all see plain as day) I will get very, very worried… and loud
I try to be optimistic yet objective.

First, Saturday was absolute rock bottom IMO. I've missed 2 home games since 2005 and do not recall more anguish and misery than I experienced Saturday.

That said, let me try and be optimistic.

Yes, you are what your record says you are, but I don't truly believe this is a 3-4 team (but maybe I am a homer?). If we play MTSU and Duke at home 9 more times each, we likely win all 18 times. Does anyone disagree? Through the first 5-6 drives of the game until Rooster fumbled, we looked much better than Duke. Frankly, if TVD doesn't get hurt Saturday, I still think we win.

Unfortunately, there's randomness and flukiness in football. Between a QB injury, turnovers, blown coverages, and an offensive system that had to be overhauled mid-season, we experienced more of that these 2 games than can statistically be expected. (Now, more of that crap, and it's less "flukiness" and more of who you are. We will see.)

This place sucks today because it seems like its gonna get worse (this season). The backup QB looked absolutely putrid Saturday so there is a perception on this board (justifiably so) that we may not win another game this year.

On the bright side, I do think Jake will look better. Quite frankly, he can't look worse. His preparation will be better and he'll be more ready than he was Saturday.

Is it gonna be rocky the rest of the way out? Yes. Are we going to look better than Saturday? Likely. Will it be hard to get to 5-7? Yeah, likely. We have to *hope* that Jake does a TVD-like jump like last year to get to just 6 wins.
This This This. Offense has zero explosive playmakers who can turn a 5 yard screen into 50 yard TD or take the top off the D going deep. We've only had one big YAC TD (Colbie against duke who broke a tackle). Aside from that nothing.

Gattis sucks but we are desperately missing a T Benjamin, S Coley, J Thomas type in this O
I guess, but compounding the problem (and a bigger problem IMO) is that Gattis takes virtually no deep shots whatsoever. We never throw the ball deep. And I think Jake throwing it to Young is more Jake the gambler than Gattis scheming in a deep shot here and there to keep the defense honest.

This is IMO frustrating because TVD throws a very catchable deep pass (see Rambo last year). It is criminal how few deep shots TVD has taken.