It was only a matter of time....

Just a minor distraction before the game...thats how the $EC does biz. They really dont rat on each other but just try to distract throw teams off before the game...besides the "Red Elephant Club" should know better, they are better at what they do in the $EC than the majority of them.
We all know there part of the $ec

we skated in the ACC. don't think that logic holds any longer
We skated? If you call them taking over two years to finally do something skating then yea bud we skated. Do you know how many recruits that affected? programs and coaches used that Miami's under investigation crap and that there gonna get sanctions crap to negatively affect recruits for us. We had no clue what was going on and no answers for over two years. Yea we skated. Not to mention the bowl games we sat out of which were gonna be **** anyways. And the acc title game we sat out of.

This. We should never confuse an overzealous attempt to destroy us that was only defeated by its own incompetence with how the typical $EC inquiry goes down. Those actually don't even involve wrist slapping but back slapping followed by a good ol' boy hearty laugh.