Is it possible...

But what's odd to me is that I don't remember teams hitching and slanting us to death at all last year. And when they did, Diaz completely took those plays away in the 2nd half. It's almost like our gameplan was "***** it, play soft zone, don't get hurt, and let's go home."

so then they dont expect miami to play man when the big games come
Our staff will game plan better for week 2 and we will see a better UM defense.. Week 1 against BCC, I don' think the staff put much into the gameplanning.. I think the staff just went out and winged it and tried different things just to see how it would work our look for the future!! Trust and believe our staff use this game to experiment new things and honestly this is when we suppose to do things like this against a opponent like BCC!! I watched the game and on defense it looked like Diaz was doing a lot of experimenting, he wasn't sharp but I not worried.. Our DLine was solid but they were playing simple basic formation, JUST GET TO THE BALL...

Week 1 was a experimental week for Diaz, next week our defense will be dialing in up and ppl will be saying the defense looked like itself in week 2..
350 yards to BCC is not being flat. It called being out worked, out schemed, and out coached (at least on Manny's part). Simple.

Expect to see these offensive formations all season.

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This was the most egregious play of the game. They burned an additional five 5 minutes off the clock and gave them 3 points just because we decided to have Redwine so far off the ball on 4th down. The receiver ran an out for an easy first down. Having the other safety in punt formation makes no sense. This was wefense at finest. Manny should be shot for thinking this formation would work.