Is 2016 our year to win the Coastal?


Sep 4, 2012
I am still baffled that every team in the Coastal has played in the ACC Championship game except Miami (I know we declined one year, but come on).

Is 2016 finally our year? UVA, VT, UM all have new coaches. Who does Duke and UNC return? No idea what GT is going to do as usual. Why not UM in 2016?

Schedule breaks down like this. At VT, GT & UVA. Home against Pitt, UNC, Duke and FSU plus the TBD home/away ACC Atlantic opponent. Thoughts? As usual, the Coastal is wide open, but like the last 10 years no guarantees for UM. Is 2016 the year that we have enough pieces t win the Coastal?
I don't see why it can't be as long as we overcome any growing pains under Richt. I don't think there will be many though. IMO UNC is the only thing standing between us and winning the Coastal, and I don't think that they'll be as good as they were last year and that they were all that amazing to begin with. UVA is still UVA and shouldn't be a threat despite the few wins they had over us under Golden. Richt ***** on GT - no further comment necessary. VT will take some time for Fuente to build (I think their all around talent level is way down).
Hey, I wanted Butch, but Mark wins Coastal hands down this year in his sleep. We have the best talent by far and will no longer be operating with severe coaching negative. I am even going with Mark beating noles. Might come up short in ACC championship game, but even that should be doable.
Beating Clemson in the ACCCG next season is a bit of a stretch in CMR's first year, but we should be Coastal champs
There's no reason we shouldn't. As long as we get the OL running in halfway decent shape, our offense should be good to go. Defense should be solid based on subtraction of Doritos and Goblin alone.
The way I see it, I think we can replicate what Michigan did this year under Harbaugh. Didnt win their division, but their division is much tougher than the Coastal and they still got a nice bowl game where they **** on Florida. Don't see why we can't do that
Beating Clemson in the ACCCG next season is a bit of a stretch in CMR's first year, but we should be Coastal champs

Win the coastal, lose to Clemson in the title game, go to a new years day the **** thing...get ready to take over in 2017. Thats the plan..
Mark can absolutely win the costal next year and I believe he will, he has one of the best QB's in the nation coming back, he'll patch up the O-Line good enough, our defense will be more aggressive and cause more turnovers, and we will put up points.....BOOM!
The team will be lucky to even be in the CD conversation towards end of season. With that said, I believe there wil be much material for optimism headed into the '17 campaign, but just a bridge to far for CD just yet.

Let's run through each matchup objectively and make the case why Miami wins game by game. To many toss ups in my mind...and remember VT should be the same, UNC is rising, and UVA likely made a huge upgrade in recruiting/coaching staffs. Add in a highly likely loss to FSU and the math to CD competitiveness is just tough for Miami right now.

My heart wants them to win 15 games, my head tells me otherwise.
Yes. Unc is losing their quarterback and best player marquise Williams and we play them at home

Notre Dame will be tough on the road but I would say outside of Ohio state they are losing the most talent in the country to graduation and the draft

FSU still has no quarterback but it'll be tough with dalvin cook and a rivalry game

Richt is 13-2 against gt and they aren't projected to be good next year from what I've read

Pitt lost their best player in their running back and their all America wide receiver is leaving for the draft not sure about the rest but we should be favored

VT is only one I'm not sure of. Fuente is bringing his Memphis OC who had a great year demolishing that conference, I'm not sure if it translates to the Acc. If so this game night be a problem for us if Diaz can't get the defense to play well

Long story short I see 3 tough games. Notre Dame, FSU, and VT. I don't think we lose all three. We may got 2-1 or 1-2 here and may slip up against a lower division opponent but it'll be our best shot
It's a reasonable expectation. Talent-wise we are there and even a marginal improvement with the o-line and defense (100% chance with removal of Dorito) should get us to at least 10 wins.
VT and Duke may be the Vegas favorites to win the Coastal for the simple reason that neither team will face FSU or Clemson and so have the easiest conference schedule.

Miami and UNC play FSU
Pitt and GT play Clemson
Now that we're respectable again will Dan go back to doing the "the more you know" weekly game previews?
[MENTION=462]Dan E. Dangerously[/MENTION]
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