Interesting development. Prayers requested.

Need another timeout to go pout?


You know how puffy your eyes get when you cry.
He’d be huge scumbag if he uses his mother’s health for a interview. Prayers up to whatever his mother is going through.
I shouldn’t have to tell you.
Humor me.

Again, if this were a cover (I for one believe his visit is legitimate), really no need to use as a ruse, particularly the ailing mother bit. I would suspect nobody in Eugene would buy it either.

Not to mention, in this day of numerous secure and anonymous comm video methods, an in-person visit is more waste of time.

Tomato-tomahtoe I suppose.
Humor me.

Again, if this were a cover (I for one believe his visit is legitimate), really no need to use as a ruse, particularly the ailing mother bit. I would suspect nobody in Eugene would buy it either.

Not to mention, in this day of numerous secure and anonymous comm video methods, an in-person visit is more waste of time.

Tomato-tomahtoe I suppose.

I guess if you don’t get it, then there’s no sense in trying to explain it.

Hope all is well with his mom though first and foremost.

*A number of people are mentioning that his mom is indeed sick and has been for awhile. Honestly had no idea. Would change the title to SAD development if I could.*

Her last wishes:

"Deja de comer tanta mierda en Orejon y ven pa ka a MAKE THE U GREAT AGAIN!"

He then signs with the U, she survives the scare, and together they celebrate Ring #6 in 2025!

Seriously though, prayers up for la viejuca. 🙏🙏🙏. She's the mother of not just Mario but of Luis, another Canes alum and champion.

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1st prayers for mama!!

2nd. For those who question a 12 hr trip, for a few hours of their company....
My father has had a series of strokes, in the last 4 weeks,..currently, hospitalized, and still facing a handful of obstacles, before anyone can have any real hope of success. I just got back, from a 4 hr round trip,..for a whole 30 min,..of the last of visitation hrs.

If you don't understand, these bonds, it's a testament to your "family"......and I'm sorry, you never had the chance to feel what a family 'sposed to feel like!!
It's truly a "you don't know, what you don't know" thing,....and maybe you shouldn't comment, on $hi+ you don't know!!
It's also possible she became ill when she read all the rumors on CIS about Manny staying another year.
@Andrew why can TOC and Empirical still see each other’s posts? The ignore feature you imposed isn’t working on them. The Maude’s are done mauderating these 2 and the other guy you’re aware of who’s a crypto-savant - in squabbles. The next step is one we we’ve tried to avoid.

@JD08 @JeddTheFisch @No_Fly_Zone

No idea, and I didn't even address him, I just agreed with OCCC's post that something was cringey. I try not to read certain people's posts, but I always read OCCC's. The substance of this thread has gone sideways
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