
Richt said day one of practice the emphasis was on 3rd down and red zone conversions. In a situational scrimmage theire probably would not be .alot of long runs if running plays were emphasizing 3rd and short.. He did have praise for some hard running which would be a plus in those situations. No need to be concerned about total stats in situational scrimmages
Here's a tweet from the UM football twitter account. I dunno guys, but from what I see there - Im looking at a national championship caliber team, I'd say....

Holy cow, this team doesn't have to take a backseat to anybody physically. These kids worked their asses off in the off season.
Pentagon, I know this, we're All-Airport this season!!

LoL, I was going to say the same exact thing. Not sure I've seen a more physically fit Miami team. Willis and Bethel look great at 300 pounds. Unbelievably impressed. I think LSU is going to be shocked.
I’m amazed at the butthurt and hurt feelings from a freaking scrimmage.

It’s three weeks until the season , I can wait until then to see stats and how good we actually are.

I give zero ***** about the stats from a scrimmage
I’m glad we don’t know anything. Fcking people here read a couple of stats from a **** scrimmage and go on multiple rants dissecting the entire season and unload their emotional garbage for everyone to have to sift through

No thanks
I’m glad we don’t know anything. Fcking people here read a couple of stats from a **** scrimmage and go on multiple rants dissecting the entire season and unload their emotional garbage for everyone to have to sift through

No thanks

Seasons over dude, Ricts body language says so
This thread made my Google news feed! You're big time reg!
Here's a tweet from the UM football twitter account. I dunno guys, but from what I see there - Im looking at a national championship caliber team, I'd say....

I hope 43 is not going to be playing fullback.
I AGREE 100%

Transparency happens during the actual game. That's when you see the actual results or all the scrimmages and practices. That's when you can see for yourself whatever you're worried about. Keep your own stats. Say I told you so....whatever

Before then coach speak is ALL meaningless words. So pre-game transparency is meaningless, even worse it can provide aid and comfort to the enemy. What are you going to do with the info? How does that help Miami football? Transparency is not a right.

Some here act as if they actually have input into the game planning and player evaluations....and pout like babies when their advice is not followed. Hold grudges against players, trash players they don't like for whatever reasons.

Criticize, bytch, moam and groan about the coaches, team, players, plays etc. all you like on-line or from your lazy-boy .... but know your actual role.

NONE of us are coaching the Canes. I for one am glad that none of us are.

That's why at gametime as fans we're seated in the stands....NOT in the planning rooms or on the sideline.
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