If the Scheme is Truly the Problem and Jimmy Saw It....

Tad Footeball

1996 Interim Big East Conference Commissioner
Feb 6, 2014
Would he ever say so publicly or even privately to Alfred's face? It seems like a lot of people are latching onto things certain commentators (Salisbury, etc.) are saying but isn't there one residing in our own backyard that would have actual sway? Sadly, I think even if Jimmy sat down and diagnosed any real issues we have on the coaching side I doubt he'd ever say anything unless specifically asked by Alfred. Kinda makes that fishing friendship not seem as valuable. If it's not scheme then someone in the brilliant local media should get Jimmy to say so too.
Jimmy Johnson don't give a **** anymore man. He's keeps himself higher than a kite on Mt Everest. Leave the dude alone, he's earned it.
Jimmy Johnson don't give a **** anymore man. He's keeps himself higher than a kite on Mt Everest. Leave the dude alone, he's earned it.

We still send him a couple free t-shirts per year. Dude owes US.