I'd hate to be in a foxhole with a lot of you

Mario Hurricanes

Niche Poster
Mar 29, 2015
I don't understand how quickly the fan base has turned on this coaching staff, and Brad Kaaya. Ritch is 7 games into this! You don't turn around a football program that has been left to ROT under Donna Shalala since 2001 in 7 games. HE HASN'T EVEN BROUGHT IN 1 RECRUITING CLASS!! How are you going to call this man a bust without 1 kid on the team he has recruited? When the season started the oddsmakers had us winning 6 games this season. Just because we have a new staff doesn't mean we are magically a better team! It takes time. We all knew our Oline was going to be bad this year...if our line can't keep Kaaya from getting HIS TEETH KNOCKED OUT, how do you expect him to have time to check down and throw? Let Coach Ritch and his staff bring in some recruits....let them coach up the guys who are here...we're going to be good. Ritch is not a bust, Searels is not a bust, Kaaya is not regressing! This is not Call of Duty where you can buy a new gun pack and be better in 30 seconds. It takes time to right the ship, and I for one am happy Coach Ritch is here and trust him to get the job done!

Go Canes!
Last year Richt brought in his first recruiting class. Miami' coach's last name is Richt, not Ritch.

Your post makes you look like an idiot. Now have a nice day!
Those guys were already recruited by Golden. Last year doesn't count.

Can't even say wait to he brings in his 1st class because that class(2016) looks to have been more hits than misses. Overall I agree with what you said though

I don't understand how quickly the fan base has turned on this coaching staff, and Brad Kaaya. Ritch is 7 games into this! You don't turn around a football program that has been left to ROT under Donna Shalala since 2001 in 7 games. HE HASN'T EVEN BROUGHT IN 1 RECRUITING CLASS!! How are you going to call this man a bust without 1 kid on the team he has recruited? When the season started the oddsmakers had us winning 6 games this season. Just because we have a new staff doesn't mean we are magically a better team! It takes time. We all knew our Oline was going to be bad this year...if our line can't keep Kaaya from getting HIS TEETH KNOCKED OUT, how do you expect him to have time to check down and throw? Let Coach Ritch and his staff bring in some recruits....let them coach up the guys who are here...we're going to be good. Ritch is not a bust, Searels is not a bust, Kaaya is not regressing! This is not Call of Duty where you can buy a new gun pack and be better in 30 seconds. It takes time to right the ship, and I for one am happy Coach Ritch is here and trust him to get the job done!

Go Canes!
Last year Richt brought in his first recruiting class. Miami' coach's last name is Richt, not Ritch.

Your post makes you look like an idiot. Now have a nice day!
Spelling a problem,thought is on point.If the U went into a 10 year decline it's not coming back in a couple
of years.And we on Caneinsider are at fault because many of us look at recruits and JC's as the salvation.But
we are off to a good start.....Better HC,better staff,more season tickets,better stadium(Toilets don't overflow
like OB),upcoming covered practice facility.
He was suppose to be a really good coach from SEC. Golden was from Temple. We expected more from Mark, and Kaaya for that matter. Plus Golden was a really good used car salesman with "cloud" pitch to buy time.
I understand having higher expectations for Ritch than Golden. But his 1st 7 games are not the time to call him a failure.
He did sort of bring in a recruiting class this year, even though it's arguably Golden's class as much as his.
You guys act like discussing specific failures is off limits.

You think Ritch has been perfect as a playcaller/OC, OP? If you don't, then quit preaching this "Ritch can do no wrong because it's his first year at UM" load of crap.

If you think he's been exceptional as a playcaller/OC then go check yourself into a mental ward.
People flew banners to get butch fired

Now those same fans want him back. That should tell you all you need to know

I acknowledge richts failures, but seeing promise in the future is different than letting richt slide.