I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

The O line did a much better job this week. Not gonna knock anyone this week since we won. And AT FSU. Great game boys. Manny had that "D" ready to go. Shaq played lights out and is now going out 3-1 vs. FSU.
We can't be Canes fans and not ***** and moan about something. Can we at least ***** about the fact we should have scored at least 40? We had the ball on their side of the field like 4 times and only scored twice. We suck!
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but this was an absolutely dominant win. JW looked really good. He improved his long ball, his pocket awareness, and not forcing plays and is beginning to look like the truth. OL play looks significantly better and they’re starting to give me some hope for the immediate future and next season. This O would be nasty with road graders. The entire D line looked great and some young players are really starting to shine (Rousseau, Silvera, Hall, Wiggins, Pope, etc.) Even Knowles made a great play. Would love to see this team win out and win a bowl game. Praying not to be disappointed.
This really sucks.

The lunatic fringe can’t spend the next seven days bltching 24/7.

Chin up, losers. You can root for Louisville in 7 days.

Also, you’ve got that banner from the guy that can’t pay his electric bill to look forward to.

I like you, but this team still lost to North Carolina. And Georgia Tech.

I mean, the anger is and was just
I like you, but this team still lost to North Carolina. And Georgia Tech.

I mean, the anger is and was just

Did I say it wasn’t?

I’m aware of how the year has gone.

When’s the last time we did this to FSU, no matter how bad they’ve been. If someone can’t enjoy this, aside and apart from everything that’s happened, then there’s something wrong with you
Did I say it wasn’t?

I’m aware of how the year has gone.

When’s the last time we did this to FSU, no matter how bad they’ve been. If someone can’t enjoy this, aside and apart from everything that’s happened, then there’s something wrong with you

There’s a lot wrong with me, not least of all the 12 pack beers I drank tonight lmao.

Fair enough, go canes