I spoke with a current player.

I was negged and argued with for saying you've got a bunch of players on offense that don't know what they are doing out there. Was pretty obvious to me. Good to see the players already knew there were dummies among them.
nothing personal? hes a bum and threw everyone under the bus but himself. hes never ever called a good offense but acted like hes a god even tho Harbaugh Weiss and Moore saved his *** and got him the broyles. he'd be begging for a job if Mario didnt give him a life raft after Michigan
I think we clearly agree that Gattis has to go. He’s not a good fit for us. I’m not going to bash him. Just get him the fvck out.
His way of playing offense will look drastically different when he gets in his guys on the OL. You say the offenses that win now are all up tempo yet Michigan is #2 in Country 13-0 & beat OSU’s asś so badly they didn’t even want to be on the field. OSU is obviously one of the most talented rosters in the country. I cant wait until we physically dominate teams and just destroy their will to play. It’s not that the philosophy is so archaic it doesn’t work we didn’t have the thoroughbreds to run that style. I don’t care how cute offenses get football is about physicality & toughness. It will take a few classes like we just had, but at least Mario is acquiring the talent
Cool 1 team that got the doors blown off them by Georgia last year. I’m not against a power run but cmon man if even Saban switched it up ur behind the curve
I keep reading posters say this. Look if Mario keeps recruiting the OL the way he does we can run that style offense and win 10 games in the ACC every year. Michigan and Georgia runs something similar.
Yes but running it when u don’t have the horses is ******* dumb
I don't think Lashlee was an exceptional playcaller or wunderkind Xs and Os scheme guy - what mattered was the tempo, spacing, and routes. It played to the strengths of the offense (both with King and TVD as QB- very different QBs). I doubt Diaz would have replaced Lashlee with someone who had a radically different approach. There are countless OCs at all levels of CFB that run a Mike Leach - inspired offense. Any of those guys likely would have picked up where Lashlee left off.
CMD , knew was wise enough to know what he did not know thats Offense and lashlee used tempo and did great work with 2 different QB's
Cool 1 team that got the doors blown off them by Georgia last year. I’m not against a power run but cmon man if even Saban switched it up ur behind the curve
The same **** will happen again. It works when you have a massive talent adavtabge. Michigan does against most of their schedule. As liberty said, when you play against a more talented team you more often than not have to be special in what you do
Here’s the thing about the hardline, military tough guy routine. Sometimes it’s warranted. It’s obvious our old coaches were probably too soft on the kids. But you better back up the tough talk with results. Nick Saban can run his program like a dictator because he wins. A lot. Nobody would respect that Napoleon complex if he was going 7-6 every year.
Nothing earth-shaking, but this place is pretty slow now anyways. This player is an upperclassmen and was on Manny's teams too. Mature kid.

In no particular order:
  • He said that the guys that left had to leave. We've heard that a lot. Still hard for me to digest that 1/5 of the roster had to go.
  • He was "surprised" that Darrell Jackson left. He said his loss will hurt.
  • He said that the team would have won more games with Manny this season, but that long term, the team is better off with Mario.
  • I asked him what he thought of Mario. He said Mario is a "good dude" and "focused." And that he knows how he wants to handle things at this stage of his life. It sounds as if Mario is far more structured than Manny. No surprise there. But I did sense a little reservation re: his thoughts on Mario. Personally, I think Mario may want to dial down the drill sergeant routine, at least once he gets his fingerprints on the roster. I think that'll come with time, particularly when Mario's upper-classmen can teach the under-classmen how to do things.
  • He mentioned the injuries as a wild card this year. To my surprise, since I doubt many college-aged kids are familiar with this, he mentioned that this was not S&C but rather "bone" injuries (as he put it). That is a topic I don't want to discuss again but I'm pleased to hear that.
  • He said that there are some "good" rooms and some "bad rooms." I mentioned I thought TE was a good room and he agreed and said Arroyo is a beast.
  • He mentioned that Will has had 4 offensive coordinators in 5 years.
  • That of course led into the topic of our favorite OC.
    • I told him that I didn't think Gattis did a good job of putting pressure on the defense. Little to no tempo. The "check with me" permitted the defense time to take a breather and assess the play. And that the lack of spacing precluded a lot of 1-on-1 opportunities. (I probably should have mentioned the lack of a deep ball too!)
    • He said that that is kind of what he thought early in the season too, but that he spent time in the room and didn't know what else Gattis could have done.
    • He said that he was able to understand what Gattis was conveying but the offense in general wasn't able to. Things were simplified but not understood.
    • He said that day 1 stuff was not understood well into the season. Like foundational stuff.
    • He said we ran a lot of the same stuff we did with Lashlee but with a different terminology but kids couldn't get it. Is this a result of having so much turnover in the offensive staff??
    • He suggested maybe Gattis' failed in regard to communication-although he understood it. Some coaches/individuals have a way of connecting with 18-22 year old kids. It doesn't sound like Gattis was able to connect with the majority of the team.
    • So, apparently, we are not talented on offense and dumb. Luckily, we're no longer broke. Because broke, dumb, and bad would be a bad combination.
That's all I got.

Appreciate the write-up. Especially with so much nonsensical, emotional-driven stuff out of fans these days.

Sounds like things are what we thought they were. Major disconnect with a lot of our kids and a roster overhaul needed as the new boss ain't the same as the old boss—and the old boss left a broken-*** program that needed rebuilding from the ground up.

As for Mario, this honestly sounds a lot like the Butch Davis era. A hard-***, my-way-or-the-highway head coach who feels he knows what it takes to win big.

Fans in 2022 are soft and after 20 years of irrelevance and incompetence, are unable to "trust the process" (a phrase Al Golden wore out en route to his failures, too.)

Mario can't dial anything back. That's not what good generals do. You have your process, you do it your way, you burn the boats behind you and you go into battle (or in his case, "back to work")—as it's all they know—and you emerge victorious, or you're defeated. But there is no in-between.

Unfortunately, we all wanted to believe that it was a just-add-water approach at Miami; that some remnants of mild 2017 success weren't a million miles away, that Manny was just in over his head and that a "real head coach" and "big money staff" could come in and fix things overnight—this mindset that the new coaches would "result in a few extra wins" and that 7-5 could turn into 9-3 or 10-2 with that addition by subtraction overhaul.

What we thought was just going to be some patchwork; instead proved to be a complete tear down when seeing water damage, termite damage and an infrastructure that was broken beyond repair.

I fully trust Miami looks like a real football program in a couple of years—just like the Oregon team Mario built and left in Eugene for Dan Lanning—but it's going to take all the work that he constantly preaches, while flushing out soft weak kids and molding real football players and winners.

Looking forward to the day not one kid from the Manny Diaz era is on this roster. Even the handful of good ones. We need upperclassmen that got their teeth kicked in 2022 and are ready to be next-level leaders by 2024—the Kam Kinchens types who will be the vocal leaders AND lead by example guys that are just getting it done at a high level, while bringing the new kids along with them.
Nothing earth-shaking, but this place is pretty slow now anyways. This player is an upperclassmen and was on Manny's teams too. Mature kid.

In no particular order:
  • He said that the guys that left had to leave. We've heard that a lot. Still hard for me to digest that 1/5 of the roster had to go.
  • He was "surprised" that Darrell Jackson left. He said his loss will hurt.
  • He said that the team would have won more games with Manny this season, but that long term, the team is better off with Mario.
  • I asked him what he thought of Mario. He said Mario is a "good dude" and "focused." And that he knows how he wants to handle things at this stage of his life. It sounds as if Mario is far more structured than Manny. No surprise there. But I did sense a little reservation re: his thoughts on Mario. Personally, I think Mario may want to dial down the drill sergeant routine, at least once he gets his fingerprints on the roster. I think that'll come with time, particularly when Mario's upper-classmen can teach the under-classmen how to do things.
  • He mentioned the injuries as a wild card this year. To my surprise, since I doubt many college-aged kids are familiar with this, he mentioned that this was not S&C but rather "bone" injuries (as he put it). That is a topic I don't want to discuss again but I'm pleased to hear that.
  • He said that there are some "good" rooms and some "bad rooms." I mentioned I thought TE was a good room and he agreed and said Arroyo is a beast.
  • He mentioned that Will has had 4 offensive coordinators in 5 years.
  • That of course led into the topic of our favorite OC.
    • I told him that I didn't think Gattis did a good job of putting pressure on the defense. Little to no tempo. The "check with me" permitted the defense time to take a breather and assess the play. And that the lack of spacing precluded a lot of 1-on-1 opportunities. (I probably should have mentioned the lack of a deep ball too!)
    • He said that that is kind of what he thought early in the season too, but that he spent time in the room and didn't know what else Gattis could have done.
    • He said that he was able to understand what Gattis was conveying but the offense in general wasn't able to. Things were simplified but not understood.
    • He said that day 1 stuff was not understood well into the season. Like foundational stuff.
    • He said we ran a lot of the same stuff we did with Lashlee but with a different terminology but kids couldn't get it. Is this a result of having so much turnover in the offensive staff??
    • He suggested maybe Gattis' failed in regard to communication-although he understood it. Some coaches/individuals have a way of connecting with 18-22 year old kids. It doesn't sound like Gattis was able to connect with the majority of the team.
    • So, apparently, we are not talented on offense and dumb. Luckily, we're no longer broke. Because broke, dumb, and bad would be a bad combination.
That's all I got.
Makes sense, even lashlee had to dumb down his already very vanilla playbook. I remember people talking about all the issues the player's had understanding Enos playbook as well. That's why I always thought Gattis was coming back, a Pro style offense is difficult to learn and I figured there would be growing pains, he even tried to run a pure non Uptempo spread attack down the stretch and it still didn't work. I figured Mario would give it another season so the players didn't have to learn another new offense and there can be somewhat of continuity.
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